facebook and 2wapworld: which is more interesting? by delianie2010/10/15 06:27 d common similarity btw them is dat they connect people but which do u prefer and why?
KiNg_SouL2010/10/15 06:30 I prefer both coz they have different ways of connecting people
Rupee2010/10/15 06:34 2wap and fb. . . . A drop in d ocean. . . .
dareyboy2010/10/15 06:35 Most of the time ppl login to 2wap cos they have more access to it , unless u have a reliable connection u cant access fbook easily...
delianie2010/10/15 06:41 i prefer 2wap cos i can post 2 everyone, create a forum thread, download, get 2 know things on chit chat and so many others.