6Mike9: Corrections;
1.Islam believes in diversity of religions...
Not diversity!
Islam a Monotheistic Religion teaches in the ONENESS of The Lord n belief in His MESSENGERS like Moses, Jesus n Muhammed(blessings of The Lord upon them)..
2.Islam actually took birth in the context of Judaism and Christianity being the prevailing religions...
Christanity was preceded by Judaism,
Then Christianity was superceded ie. replaced by Islam when misconseptions crept in.
Read Quraan The Last n Final Testament..
3.Islam shows a special respect towards Judaism and Christianity because of the common faith heritage...
Yes n Islam teaches RESPECT of everyone n everything even a devil worshipper
BUT Islam ACCEPTS n believes in ORIGINAL Judaism n Christanity taught n practised by Moses n Jesus both Mighty Messengers of The Lord.
4.Islam expects the followers of these religions to live an upright life as the wish of the creator..
As initally taught by Moses, Jesus n Muhammed (all in peace n blessed by The Lord).
by ur own words Islam teaches to respect all even devil worshippers? yet you yourself doesnt respect other beliefs and any1 that follows them