::Mtn offers free unlimited internet surfing:: by papacita 2010/10/08 20:14
This may sonund unreal, but it's very current. It's all about receiving a text message from MTN on the above topic,and you are on your way to surfing the net freely and unlimitedly. My own text message came on the 7/10/2010. I was giving one week free internet surfing.Can you believe this? I'm surfing live and direct now, with my lappy, no anonymous web proxy software. Attention! have you received this text? If you have not, I'm afraid, this might not work for you. Confirm this post pls, and prove me right or wrong... cheers!

Kunlenze 2010/10/09 11:02
am still yet 2 receive d txt msg 4rm mtn, what can i do
DonTundex 2010/10/09 11:54
Still waiting for mine.
kemdel4u 2010/10/09 13:29
plz,can any get mtn free browsin cheat 4 my lappy,my free browser is less than 1M.send it 2 me on kemdel4u@yahoo.com.tankz
Elfuego 2010/10/09 18:00
gud of MTN
noblex9 2010/10/09 19:36
Not everybody, but i think is 4 people who have already subscribed to mtn weekly bundle or what ever but 4 me, i am surfing free without credit on my phone, am heading 2 my facebook now.
papacita 2010/10/09 20:12
Quote: BarbertoV: I bliv u subscribe for 1 week which is 400
No... I don't think so. I recharge normally for calls, just like every other person out there, would've done. That's all.

Isaiah4real 2010/10/09 23:10
Am using it right now and he wil end tomrow.
LORD 2010/10/10 02:34
No! Not at all
Good 2010/10/10 04:28
Am yet to receive mine
SuperY 2010/10/10 08:51
I have not gotten anything.

SuperY 2010/10/10 08:54
Quote: papacita: This may sonund unreal, but it's very current. It's all about receiving a text message from MTN on the above topic,and you are on your way to surfing the net freely and unlimitedly. My own text message came on the 7/10/2010. I was giving one week free internet surfing.Can you believe this? I'm surfing live and direct now, with my lappy, no anonymous web proxy software. Attention! have you received this text? If you have not, I'm afraid, this might not work for you. Confirm this post pls, and prove me right or wrong... cheers!
Have you register your number?

papacita 2010/10/10 10:26
Quote: SuperY: Have you register your number?
Yes I did, though I don't knw if resteration is the criteria 4 this special offer.

Rasheed1992 2010/10/10 15:46
Yet 2 recieve mine
segjmax 2010/10/10 19:05
my own free unlimited surfing of internet will end today 22222222
haryordele07 2010/10/10 19:45
....i heard it also
Tony-rizzy 2010/10/11 07:29
What did the text look like
Viz_allati 2010/10/11 10:57
I am still downloading and browsing free for 4days runnin nw. . .nd i no know why. . .
Kent09 2010/10/11 13:15
Very correct my guy..... MTN Gave me 72mb, bt they didnt tel when It's gonna expire.... I've been surfing net freely n downloading since 27/10/2010 . . . Also they gave my elder bro 1week free internet. . . . It's True.
E-clev 2010/10/11 16:39
I havent got mine but that text was sent to my uncle though it ended today
Aderoju 2010/10/18 05:41
I have not
Replies: 44

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