::Mtn offers free unlimited internet surfing:: by papacita 2010/10/08 20:14
This may sonund unreal, but it's very current. It's all about receiving a text message from MTN on the above topic,and you are on your way to surfing the net freely and unlimitedly. My own text message came on the 7/10/2010. I was giving one week free internet surfing.Can you believe this? I'm surfing live and direct now, with my lappy, no anonymous web proxy software. Attention! have you received this text? If you have not, I'm afraid, this might not work for you. Confirm this post pls, and prove me right or wrong... cheers!

Gabriel.tegs 2010/10/08 21:09
i dont think so
Dboy 2010/10/08 21:09
i recieved my own and it ends yesterday what else again
Yungboss 2010/10/08 21:42
Havent on mine
GOODNESS 2010/10/08 21:43
yeah, am using it right now

SOTY_BLAST 2010/10/09 00:37
it free and reliable
Elow 2010/10/09 02:19
them never send me
Sunrex 2010/10/09 02:23
I've not receive any o.
Sammydee_ng 2010/10/09 02:34
Still enjoying my bundle 4rm mtn.
Nikodenero 2010/10/09 03:14
yeh is really cool
Sunrex 2010/10/09 03:45
Guyz my remaining 1MB was exahausted lyk 2hrz after d expiring date. And it stoped. Itz tiring me. But why's dat na? It wasn't renewed.can any1 help here?
BarbertoV 2010/10/09 04:39
I bliv u subscribe for 1 week which is 400
SEGAT 2010/10/09 04:41
Yes is true
Belwas 2010/10/09 05:38
Yes is real,mtn gve my bro,bt me yet
dareyboy 2010/10/09 06:31
Did u guys use mtn bundle ,maybe that's why they give u free online time, Cos i never use bundle
Sunrex 2010/10/09 06:58
Quote: BarbertoV: I bliv u subscribe for 1 week which is 400
no bro, i nly do dat of 1 week.

ayeriina 2010/10/09 07:23
u are mising
Nattyboy 2010/10/09 07:54
Quote: dareyboy: Did u guys use mtn bundle ,maybe that's why they give u free online time, Cos i never use bundle
[color=gold]i tink datz d reasn 4 dis free nline time day ar aving[/color]

Nattyboy 2010/10/09 07:57
Quote: dareyboy: Did u guys use mtn bundle ,maybe that's why they give u free online time, Cos i never use bundle
i tink datz d reasn 4 dis free nline time day ar aving

Godwin94 2010/10/09 10:32
U are very right it is free and it downloads wella it is until u receive the message b4 u can surf freely on the net
stanley4sure 2010/10/09 10:53
Can i use d bundle on my computer?
Replies: 44

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