* Are You Sexy Enough ? * by DareDevil2010/10/08 16:19 Are you sexy enough?
Take this quiz to find out if you are sexy enough!
- If you are a girl, here is what you would wear for a first date: A. A pretty dress that shows quite an amount of cleavage.
B. A cute cropped jacket and sleek black pants.
C. Jeans and a one-shoulder top.
- If you are a guy here is what you would wear for a first date: A. I don't care. I look good in anything.
B. Jeans and a white shirt.
C. I'll wear formals.
- You want to take your relationship to the physical level and here is what you are ready to do: A. You whisper to him/her: are you interested in finding out what is underneath these clothes?
B. Just get to the point and ask - your place or mine?
C. Suggestively gaze at him/her and hope they get the hint.
- You have just met a girl/guy and you are trying to impress him/her. Here is what you are most likely to do... A. Let him/her know how you love getting hot-oil massages done.
B. Steer a conversation that makes sure that you get asked out by him/her.
C. Tell him/her all about your job and how cool it is.
- A hottie moved into your building recently but you haven't yet got the opportunity to get introduced to him. You would... A. Wait for him/her at the lobby in some pretext and then ask him/her if he/she wants to hang out.
B. Invite him/her over for drinks along with a few other neighbours.
C. Keep tabs on him/her to check if he/she is committed and smile at him/her every time you see him/her.
- Your relationship with your new girl/guy is still not physical. The SMS you send him/her late at night would read: A. Sweet dreams to you. If you are lucky maybe you find me there in them.
B. Am going off to bed. Wish you were in it.
C. Good-night.
MOSTLY As Oomph is your middle name! Aren't you the hottest girl/guy? You really can be extremely seductive and any girl/guy is just putty in your deft hands.
MOSTLY Bs You have very subtle seductive moves. You know what you want and you usually know how to get it. Though simple and straightforward, your moves are hot.
MOSTLY Cs Sex appeal? What is that? You are oh-so prim and propah. You should let go and have some fun.
Spektralflamez2010/11/12 11:11 Yes i got big titz and nipplez
____THe.bosS2011/10/03 09:00 Yeah great topic thanks for sharing with us
Pr1ya2011/11/21 06:21 Even though I know I'm sexy and some random quiz ain't gonna confirm it, I thought it was fun to do and it is oh so true .lol. My responses were: B-A-A-A-C, Mostly A's!
InternetLord2013/06/28 16:56 Cool..and my gf is very sexy