Demon & Devil by EDDE 2010/10/04 11:22
Ppl heres an opportunity to teach ourselves if there are any such things as DEMONS &

do they exist
their origions
what are they
what do they do & all u know, heard or experienced abt them
what u like to know about them
what attracts & what repels them.

Be free tel us all or whatever u can about them.

Spoon 2010/10/04 11:34
they do exsist, there origins vary, they can cause mischief (that more imps tho), and lies and weak ppl attract them and truth and mental strength repels them
Kumz 2010/10/04 11:39
Quote: Kumz: We come face to face with the "devil" everyday in our lives. When we want something, when we need something, when we feel like doing something, in short....DESIRES....well....there's your devil! I attack it with my mind. Control it before it takes control of me.

I still stand by this

jaQui 2010/10/04 11:55
what i kn0w is what i heard and saw in m0vies,,, i think if u give d devil a gap t0 get a grip on y0u he will have p0wer over y0u but if the is n0 space n place in ur s0ul 4him he w0nt have c0ntr0ll of y0u.
And if u think u feel him sitting on ur sh0ulder n whisper in ur ear, y0u just get rid of him by calling Gods name as l0ud as y0u can. The devil still fear G0D

jaQui 2010/10/04 12:17
i guess u stay cool n say

"hey devil/smileyare u d0in on my sh0ulder hey? U've g0t d wr0ng sh0ulder br0,
Get d FAQ outa here or i'll cick d living hell outa y0ur evil ass y0u s0n of a dem0n"
/smiley he wil run like hell

Spoon 2010/10/04 12:22
Quote: jacki: i guess u stay cool n say

"hey devil/smileyare u d0in on my sh0ulder hey? U've g0t d wr0ng sh0ulder br0,
Get d FAQ outa here or i'll cick d living hell outa y0ur evil ass y0u s0n of a dem0n"
/smiley he wil run like hell
/smiley u wld b surprised it wld work because ur not showing fear or weakness

jaQui 2010/10/04 12:23
Quote: jacki: i guess u stay cool n say

"hey devil/smileyare u d0in on my sh0ulder hey? U've g0t d wr0ng sh0ulder br0,
Get d FAQ outa here or i'll cick d living hell outa y0ur evil ass y0u s0n of a dem0n"
/smiley he wil run like hell

And if dis d0es'nt scare d hell out of him y0u simply pm Dem0n 0verl0rd and Zee, dey have lisence t0 cick ass/smiley

jaQui 2010/10/04 12:29
Quote: Spoon: /smiley u wld b surprised it wld work because ur not showing fear or weakness

yeah r8 sp00n and if he d0nt run fast enuf y0u thr0w him wit a living pig*laughing*

DareDevil 2010/10/04 13:10
I'm a devil /smiley
DareDevil 2010/10/04 13:16
Quote: jacki: i guess u stay cool n say

"hey devil/smileyare u d0in on my sh0ulder hey? U've g0t d wr0ng sh0ulder br0,
Get d FAQ outa here or i'll cick d living hell outa y0ur evil ass y0u s0n of a dem0n"
/smiley he wil run like hell
i'm not on your shoulder.. I dont sit on people's shoulder their shoulder will break .hehe.

jaQui 2010/10/04 13:17
Quote: Daredevil: I'm a devil /smiley
im ur sister, y0u want a Cick 0r a Kiss /smiley

DareDevil 2010/10/04 13:20
Quote: jacki:
And if dis d0es'nt scare d hell out of him y0u simply pm Dem0n 0verl0rd and Zee, dey have lisence t0 cick ass/smiley
both are my friends and fellow evils /smiley

DareDevil 2010/10/04 13:21
Quote: jacki: im ur sister, y0u want a Cick 0r a Kiss /smiley
a kiss would do /smiley

DareDevil 2010/10/04 15:23
Quote: Daredevil: a kiss would do /smiley

jaQui 2010/10/04 15:50
Quote: Daredevil: a kiss would do /smiley
gawd damn devil is a pervert., d0nt kiss me plz i d0nt wana die n0w wit a judas kiss.hehe.

DareDevil 2010/10/04 16:50
Quote: jacki: gawd damn devil is a pervert., d0nt kiss me plz i d0nt wana die n0w wit a judas kiss.hehe.
/smiley a perv? my gf says the same thing about me /smiley naah I used to be not anymore.. Its you who asked me what i'd like, and a kiss would get me both, you kiss me and then my gf will kick me -hahaha-

jaQui 2010/10/15 13:03
@ EDDE aka 6Mike9 and Dem0n/smiley

sHiVeRiNgFlAmE :
(09:05) Wed, 9 Dec 09

Rules of Respect

* No slandering or belittlement of any persons beliefs
* No instigation to rise by posting blatant religious or theologically aggressive material
* No slander of world religious leaders
* Do not engage in personal attacks or sect bashing
* And please treat all members with the kind of respect that you expect from them in return for yourself. /smiley

i withdraw myself fr0m this f0rum bec0z of ppl like y0u and dem0n.
You have n0 self respect and d0nt have respect f0r any1 else...
Enj0y belittle oda ppl...
God bless y0u b0th with happiness, love, peace and j0y... 2day, 2m0r0 and 4ever/smiley

_dreamprince_ 2010/10/15 13:17
Quote: jacki: @ EDDE aka 6Mike9 and Dem0n/smiley

sHiVeRiNgFlAmE :
(09:05) Wed, 9 Dec 09

Rules of Respect

* No slandering or belittlement of any persons beliefs
* No instigation to rise by posting blatant religious or theologically aggressive material
* No slander of world religious leaders
* Do not engage in personal attacks or sect bashing
* And please treat all members with the kind of respect that you expect from them in return for yourself. /smiley

i withdraw myself fr0m this f0rum bec0z of ppl like y0u and dem0n.
You have n0 self respect and d0nt have respect f0r any1 else...
Enj0y belittle oda ppl...
God bless y0u b0th with happiness, love, peace and j0y... 2day, 2m0r0 and 4ever/smiley

-nooo-plz don't leave this forum..Jacki u have to /smiley

Santosh 2010/10/15 17:23
Quote: jacki: @ EDDE aka 6Mike9 and Dem0n/smiley

sHiVeRiNgFlAmE :
(09:05) Wed, 9 Dec 09

Rules of Respect

* No slandering or belittlement of any persons beliefs
* No instigation to rise by posting blatant religious or theologically aggressive material
* No slander of world religious leaders
* Do not engage in personal attacks or sect bashing
* And please treat all members with the kind of respect that you expect from them in return for yourself. /smiley

i withdraw myself fr0m this f0rum bec0z of ppl like y0u and dem0n.
You have n0 self respect and d0nt have respect f0r any1 else...
Enj0y belittle oda ppl...
God bless y0u b0th with happiness, love, peace and j0y... 2day, 2m0r0 and 4ever/smiley
You taken right Decison bcoz no matter how hard u try its immposible to take devils-demons on path of god-good. /smiley kuch log kabhi sudharte nahi

6Mike9 2010/10/15 17:47
Quote: jacki: im ur sister, y0u want a Cick 0r a Kiss /smiley
jacki jacki jacki u making a mountain of a mole hill.
Daredevil joked he is a devil u replied above.
Sorry no offence i teased , enjoy d ride if u really must go we wil miss topic repetitions

jaQui 2010/10/15 18:47
im an angel in disguise n never claimed or pretend dat im h0ly u silly /smiley

Replies: 42

#78 Faith/Beliefs
Share your views and beliefs on religion, theology, culture and matters of faith.