Congratz naija @50!!! by Ajibola2010/10/01 06:04 Where are da little guys in da studio to pick up da mic & giv a shout out to da great country and its people. . .
Sheav7 & co, letz mak chicks in da house go crazy rap 4 our indep day jubilee
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard2010/10/01 08:58 I want 2 be Moses until I noticed Dat like : Hezekaih, Modekiah, Isiah, Zephiniah, Jerimiah & Micah, they rolled wit He that is 4eva Mightier Now lets 3levate 9ja yet som 're saying 'I don Tier but som say dem dey 'hot like Fire' ...9ja we hail th33 4 afta creatn da Lord say 'it was Good' finally congrats 9ja
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard: I want 2 be Moses until I noticed Dat like : Hezekaih, Modekiah, Isiah, Zephiniah, Jerimiah & Micah, they rolled wit He that is 4eva Mightier Now lets 3levate 9ja yet som 're saying 'I don Tier but som say dem dey 'hot like Fire' ...9ja we hail th33
4 afta creatn da Lord say 'it was Good' finally congrats 9ja
ma mahn u no de tire lyk fire wey wont consume! Kudos 1ce more!!
Elfuego2010/10/01 10:25 2 9ja @ 50. I pray 4 d vindicatn of our nati0n. G0d blessd us, we gat black gold we gat style we pile up culture m0re dan any oda nati0n of d w0rld. . . I luv 9ja my h0me. . . Happy independent day 2 9ja and bostwana hu celebrated theirz yestaday
Ajibola2010/10/01 11:06 Naah! Dis great. Dis da real people, dis da real stuff, dis da charisma, dis da blood, dis da hot zone where da fun is gotta exist. .
Em flattered by sheav7, gotta go crazy wid Dwizzard stuff an Pricy seems backing em up in style. . . . . Where we gonna meet to sha yo wid da beer-hahaha-