CHECK INTERNET SPEED ! by Mr.Cherry 2010/09/24 20:12
By clicking below you can know the speed of your internet connection on any device, also post the name of your device and the speed the test shows.


DareDevil 2010/09/29 08:19
Quote: zhEirA: my jaanu got the fastest connection so far.. but not faster than mine.. /smiley heheh.. mwaah

Your line speed:
1728.8 Kbps
211.9 K bytes/sec
lol I guess you got a 3G connection too /smiley

DareDevil 2010/09/29 09:02
OMFG ! Just checked the speed using ucweb - 500000 kbps and 50000 kb/sec /smiley cant believe my eyes..
DareDevil 2010/09/29 09:03
Shiver and zheira were you using an application browser too while checking it? /smiley
Yungboss 2010/10/27 22:11
No disin
Eleto 2010/10/28 01:02
Dats co0l
Manal 2012/09/30 12:08
1.1per sec tru mozilla
Smarty 2017/01/09 23:36
That's more precision than I need to know.

Replies: 27

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