TOUCH SCREEN GAMES by bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/24 07:52
s60v5 symbian platform games.mostly for touch screen phones.if u cnt install any games/apps that ive uploaded.hack ur phone or sign the application with FREESIGNER

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/25 10:59

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/25 11:02
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/03 22:37
[/b]Devil hunter[/b]
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/03 22:42
Need 4 speed-SHIFT
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/03 22:45
Mortal Kombat 3
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/09 23:17
Tomb raider 3d
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/09 23:18
Narnia 3
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/12/09 23:21
Tekken Mobile
mickeydon 2011/03/04 09:10
good,, I like it
____THe.bosS 2011/03/07 16:43
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: [br][b]pOLARBIT TOONWARZ[b/][/br]shooting game
hmm....that is

mickeydon 2011/04/14 05:40
I like all games../

mickeydon 2011/04/14 05:41

Phoebe3 2011/04/19 09:25
thank you, nice.
jay6600 2011/08/19 00:18
FIGHTER PILOT pacfic wars /smiley
jay6600 2011/08/19 00:56
[b]Sorry fighterpilot is Too large for the 2wap uploader so get the game here 5.6mb

or [/b]

jay6600 2011/11/19 04:08
topic bump for panache
redbLue 2011/11/21 00:31
ui apa la... not support ba dia bilang
redbLue 2011/11/21 00:32
you people... how come it works for you???
jay6600 2011/11/21 14:58
if som things are say unsupported check if its zipped if yes you need either epoc zipmanager or lcg xplore to un zip the sis file which will then install aslong as its not unsignd
Smarty 2015/12/16 05:31
The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific.
Replies: 40

#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.