IS ISLAM A TRUE WORSHIP OF GOD? by Spektralflamez 2010/09/12 23:15
I don't really know about how it came about,but only God can judge.

shacc 2010/09/25 15:43
Islam teach us to respect others religions and all the peoples whatever their beliefs what about the yours?
Roshan 2010/09/25 18:12
Quote: shacc: Islam teach us to respect others religions and all the peoples whatever their beliefs what about the yours?
Alas....!!! If it would be true..!! Some hundreds of our temples had been never destructed to erect mosques..! Our ancestors had been never killed, raped, enslaved and forcely converted...!!

Blaz 2010/09/25 21:50
Quote: shacc: Islam teach us to respect others religions and all the peoples whatever their beliefs what about the yours?

Lol, i'm sure other muslims will disagree. They say only Islam is the true religion and should be respected, all other religions are false. And that is the thing i have most about them

6Mike9 2010/09/26 05:26
Quote: Spektralflamez: I don't really know about how it came about,but only God can judge.
yr topic ASKS
Then u follow up by
u dont really know how WHAT came about?
n WHAT can only God judge?
Totally illogical as this stand explain wat u r so confused abt n TRYING to confuse us wit.
Wheres all d sensible ppl, mods n topics gone to?

Spektralflamez 2010/10/02 02:19
I guess to a point
CainAndAble 2012/11/16 04:31
OH REALLY? YA REALLY! /smiley .angry. .
Rebellion 2012/11/16 16:17
Quote: Roshan: Alas....!!! If it would be true..!! Some hundreds of our temples had been never destructed to erect mosques..! Our ancestors had been never killed, raped, enslaved and forcely converted...!!

Correctly said!

_LeGoLaS_ 2012/11/20 06:02
NO Its foolishness. N't worship teaching terrorism
_LeGoLaS_ 2012/12/05 09:51
Never ! .lol. They said earth created from moon the world foolishness i ever heard /smiley
Replies: 29

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