Perfume by _Terry_ 2010/09/09 02:39
Wat brand of perfume do u often use?why?

_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/10/11 07:10
TommY hilfiGer BlaCk... n RIO mild
Kunlenze 2010/10/11 08:33
I do use some body. cos it has cool saint
SAGITTARIUS 2010/10/12 11:44
whatever is available../smiley
Anjel 2010/10/14 09:04
i use dream love..
.because i feel fresh!..when i used it...

V-shady 2010/10/14 22:26
Perfect line n indicence
Blaz 2010/10/15 12:56
Armani Black Code cologne, and Devidoff cool water men ice fresh. But the best is Eternity cologne by Calvin Klein.
Soul.papa 2010/12/05 18:15
MEN 212
Jyk 2010/12/06 21:18
I dnt buy. Bt i tak as gift. So any1 goes 4me.
Jyk 2010/12/06 21:21
Jyk 2010/12/08 22:01
Dnt realy av a brand.
Psychedelic 2011/06/09 14:15
At the moment its Echo.
RedStar 2011/06/11 04:41
I'm using hugo.
_KJOE_ 2011/06/16 22:49
Kiss -magic-
_vIsHaL_ 2011/06/20 17:01
Itz differz evrytm. . ./smiley
Beauty_Beast 2011/07/03 11:51
Lola by Marc Jacobs
P.girl 2011/07/04 19:27
Uses tony mathana or professional
SAGITTARIUS 2011/07/05 12:18
Any brand,which smells nice./smiley
Manal 2011/08/22 22:44
CK and ysL
Manal 2012/06/07 21:40
I used Hugo deep red
aprillia 2012/06/08 05:21
sugar from silky girl.
Replies: 46

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