Ovi browser by EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/07 20:13
Hi guyz finally iv found a new mobile browser which is very different from OPERAMINI or UCWEB.

Iv downloaded and used the new OVI BETA mobile browser.:)

It is fast enough,has a rich unique look but lacks multiple tab options and advanced options like UCWEB. Ovi will surely bring out new versions in future-gap-

All in all its good to give it a try.:-)

so here is the signed JAD version-


and here is the .JAR version-


for more info visit:

http://browser.ovi.com -gap-

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/08 08:22
For s40
Quote: M_U_S_A_F_I_R: It is not working in my device.

Zee 2010/09/08 08:22
Quote: Zeus: S60 versions are also available na? :-|
Nope, OVI browser is design for s40 only, specialy s40v3 n s40v5. You can read that information at ovi store. Maybe in the future they will make it compatible for s60 also

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/08 08:27
Ok lets hope /smiley
Quote: Zee: Nope, OVI browser is design for s40 only, specialy s40v3 n s40v5. You can read that information at ovi store. Maybe in the future they will make it compatible for s60 also

starly 2010/09/08 08:29
Where can i get d [B]OVI[/] browser i'll like 2 c how it works
starly 2010/09/08 08:35
Where can i get d OVI browser i'll like 2 c how it works
starly 2010/09/08 08:41
Pls can sum1 hlp me here
_SUPERBRAT_ 2010/09/08 09:18
Ok nice, /smiley
Zee 2010/09/08 10:13
Quote: starly: pls can sum1 hlp me here
Quote: starly: Where can i get d OVI browser i'll like 2 c how it works
u cn get it from the links on the 1st page Mr /smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/09 03:42
/smiley duno what he is searching !
Quote: Zee: u cn get it from the links on the 1st page Mr /smiley

blackgonline 2010/09/09 11:18
Opera mini?nice job
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/24 08:23
Smarty 2016/05/26 21:07
Don't mention it. I'm glad you find this amusing.
Smarty 2017/01/21 04:41
Ask me another question.
karthikrk 2017/01/29 13:53
nice bro
Replies: 34

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