Your secret wish by StoRmLeSs 2010/09/05 01:40
If you could have one wish in life, what would it be?

Astrology teaches us that the twelve signs of the zodiac are energies that encompass all of human experience. Each one focuses on a way to approach or experience life. In other words, each sign has a "secret crave" that it wants to fulfill.
Read your wish and see how can you handle it. -ok-

samii 2010/09/05 20:06
Nice topic strom
evil_inside 2010/09/05 22:32
Wish 2b star/smiley
IB-4-SURE 2010/09/06 12:59
I am miss my girl
jaQui 2010/09/06 13:06
wish t0 c what d future h0lds 4me
OpeyemiAdemola 2010/09/06 13:57
Wish dis
Ali007 2010/09/06 14:09
I want became Prezedant of amarlk! ./smiley
Ali007 2010/09/06 14:11
I want my hold at world!hahahaha/smiley
Robasy 2010/09/06 16:37
Secret. . . .
Iverson 2010/09/06 19:29
Poborsky 2010/09/07 20:47
Shena 2010/09/07 22:28
perfect! mine is cancer.
dhineshmech88 2010/09/09 02:11
i wish my mother and father because i like very much.
KiNg_SouL 2010/09/09 04:52
Leo is just mine
InternetLord 2010/09/09 06:23
U called it secret den why do want me 2 say it
PRINCEMDS 2010/09/09 06:57
I want to be a SUPER HERO
Donsky 2010/09/09 16:08
i wish to be a basterd billoner in life.
Solostino 2010/09/11 07:55
Quote: _SmashinG_: Iam Mr Libra an my wish is to marry my dream gal /smiley
dsame boath.

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/11 15:16
I wish i could get them
shakti 2011/05/21 20:14
Good Informative Topic
P.girl 2011/07/07 12:19

Replies: 50

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