Your secret wish by StoRmLeSs2010/09/05 01:40 If you could have one wish in life, what would it be?
Astrology teaches us that the twelve signs of the zodiac are energies that encompass all of human experience. Each one focuses on a way to approach or experience life. In other words, each sign has a "secret crave" that it wants to fulfill.
Read your wish and see how can you handle it. -ok-
StoRmLeSs2010/09/05 01:50 1.Taurus has a secret desire to feel secure in the material world. Let others run off and take risks, you want to stay at home and build something solid.
2. Gemini has a secret desire to connect With a restless mind that is curious about everything under the sun, you need constant variety and activity in order to feel alive.
3.Cancer has a secret desire to feel secure in the emotional world. With moods as constantly changing as the moon, you defend yourself against change by protectively nurturing yourself and others.
4.Leohas a secret desire to express its essence. Like the sun, you were born to radiate light. No wonder you want to be a star!
5.Virgo has a secret desire to achieve perfection. Unfortunately, Virgo knows it isn't perfect and that leads to frustration. The key to happiness for a Virgo is knowing where to draw the line.
6. Libra has a secret desire to be loved by everyone. Relationships are as vital to you as air to breathe. Your challenge is to find the balance point between yourself and others.. . . .
StoRmLeSs2010/09/05 02:16 7.Scorpio has a secret desire to experience intensity. Like the legendary Phoenix . one of your symbols . you want to burn up in the heat of passion and be reborn.
8.Sagittarius has a secret desire to explore. Life for you is an endless quest with the goal just around the corner. A Sagittarius truly must learn to enjoy the journey.
9. Capricorn has a secret desire to make things happen. And you have a responsible plan for doing it. You long to bring order out of chaos.
10. Aquarius has a secret desire to be unique. The beaten path is not for you. Instead, you use individuality as the doorway to transformation and enlightenment.
11. Pisces has a secret desire to inspire. You have a powerful imagination and an ability to move beyond the natural limits of reality. Most of all, you want to live your dream.
12.Aries has secret desire of being a leader. You might choose to experience being a financial leader, or you might choose to lead the fight to save the resources of this planet.
Sexytum2010/09/05 03:33 Oh! All these secret wish are mine. Oh! How i wish they come to pass in ex life.
Mossimo2010/09/05 03:44 I am miss leo from philippines,i wan to be a star! MAJOR! MAJOR!!!
_dreamprince_2010/09/05 03:49 I am a virgo and i came to knew where to draw the line but it took me a bit late..Nice topic..