Reasons for choosing Engineering. by _rOcK_ 2010/08/31 23:47
10 reasons why U chose ENGINEERING

1. U hate sleeping.

2. U have enjoyed ur life in childhood

3. U can't live without tension

4. U want to have disturbed family life

5. U believe in Geeta"Karm karo phal ki kamna na karo"

6. U dont want to spend time with ur parents

7. U want to take revenge from urself

8. U want break up with ur friends or gf/bf

9. U want social boycott

10. U love to study on Sundays & holidays....

Laketempest 2010/09/01 00:12
/smiley thats 10 reasons why i never choose it
DareDevil 2010/09/01 00:46
What about computer engineering? lol
_FLAMES_ 2010/09/01 01:46
Not really..!
Gabriel.tegs 2010/09/01 03:10
Hmmm nice but i would say don't be an engineer cos u see ur friends doing it do wat u think its easy 4 u
DonTundex 2010/09/01 05:43
Rock_on,that's what you thought,but 4 others it might be something else.
Siji 2010/09/01 06:12
Waleex 2010/09/01 06:15
Is dat ur own reasons?????
E-clev 2010/09/01 06:21
Well thats 10 reason y i think it rocks........
Wanday 2010/09/01 07:07
Non among d one listed
kayusfrank 2010/09/01 07:17
Maybe u can't be an is very interesting but needs ur attention and focus.u will be good if u try to study it and u'll enjoy it.
kayusfrank 2010/09/01 07:18
Maybe u can't be an is very interesting but needs ur attention and focus.u will be good if u try to study it and u'll enjoy it..
brightsquare 2010/09/01 08:19
I like all science courses! But pure science courses is my best!
Prak 2010/09/01 09:05
I don't agree with this! If thats true for engineering students, then, what would you say about Medical students like us?
Ajibola 2010/09/01 09:11
Well said, though I studied civil but my course of study and social life never disturbed one another
OceanGoddes 2010/09/01 12:12
Yeah that's why /smiley
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/01 13:10
/smiley nice one
_KJOE_ 2010/09/01 13:11
Quote: Laketempest: /smiley thats 10 reasons why i never choose it

Insenus_AmoR 2010/09/01 13:12
There's no comparison wit engineerin students.. Prak /smiley
Aderoju 2010/09/01 13:13
I'll go 4 computer eng
_vIsHaL_ 2010/09/01 13:14
-hahaha- u rite. . .dnt even get enough sleep except in Pl's. . . .duh
Replies: 48

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