Virtual Radio ! by EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/27 12:08
I always wished i could listen to Radio stations around the world without paying for it !

Finally iv found an application which uses the internet and streams radio stations to your phone free of cost :-)

The VirtualRadio Java
version runs on most
regular Java phones and
all Symbian phones.
The Java version contains low-bandwidth stream only. I couldnt upload it due to copyright problem but u can easily get it through link below :)

The VirtualRadio Symbian
version runs on phones
with the Symbian operating
system. The Symbian
version contains low
bandwidth AND high-
bandwidth streams!

Download VirtualRadio
If you have a normal
mobile phone, try the
Java version and see if
it works:

Click here for direct java

If you have a Symbian
smartphone, get one of
the following Symbian
Symbian S60-3 (Nokia
N95 and similar
Symbian S60-1
(earlier Nokia S60
Symbian UIQ-3 (Sony
Ericsson P1 and
similar phones)
Symbian UIQ (earlier
Sony Ericsson

for symbian and smartphone downloads to listen to high bandwidth stations go to

_SUPERBRAT_ 2010/08/27 14:37
Dis application not working bro, no server access. /smiley
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/27 14:55
Quote: pRINCE_OF_ASIA: Dis application not working bro, no server access. /smiley
it will need internet access !

jaQui 2010/08/27 15:00
Quote: G.r.u.n.g.e.p.r.i.n.c.3: iv tried and it works fine with opera
0k leme try again.rose.

jaQui 2010/08/27 15:04
n0pe, i get d same page and i am using 0pera
Prince-author 2010/08/27 15:07
I always tink so.but thanks 4 the links
Femlad 2010/08/27 15:09
I like dat info
StoRmLeSs 2010/08/27 15:10
Thanks bro for infos. Im going to download one/smiley
_vIsHaL_ 2010/08/27 15:31
-hahaha- copy paste gp
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/27 15:32
Quote: _vIsHaL_: -hahaha- copy paste gp

_vIsHaL_ 2010/08/27 15:52
Quote: -AnuSHka-: Wow good info /smiley *nice*
N0t g0od i know infos/smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/27 19:10
That means ur connection speed slow
Quote: Ankur0464: Its not working properly. Working for 15 to 16 seconds and then stops/smiley

ghostfreak 2010/08/27 19:24
It worked.thanks
Pitu 2010/08/28 03:16
/smiley dont mean to insult...i just amazed seeing how excited u all got this application..... Virtual Radio..../smiley honestly, u guyz knowledge is 5 years behind other sites /smiley today, ppl already do Youtube video streaming and downloading, or watch online TV on their phone, java or symbian
EvilCry 2010/08/28 03:55
Quote: jacki: n0pe, i get d same page and i am using 0pera
okay leme help u a lil

EvilCry 2010/08/28 03:59
And this 1 for s60v3

EvilCry 2010/08/28 04:03
These r other option for internet radio

_MZ_dEeP_ 2010/08/28 05:33
Quote: Zeus: That means ur connection speed slow
connection speed very good bcz i try/smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/28 07:46
I knw /smiley i have these application, but radio is different
Quote: pitu: /smiley dont mean to insult...i just amazed seeing how excited u all got this application..... Virtual Radio..../smiley honestly, u guyz knowledge is 5 years behind other sites /smiley today, ppl already do Youtube video streaming and downloading, or watch online TV on their phone, java or symbian

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/28 07:47
Quote: ghostfreak: It worked.thanks

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/28 07:52
Quote: EvilCry: These r other option for internet radio
thanks a lot/smiley

Replies: 56

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