NO B MISTAKE MTN DONE WIN US by Teddy-G 2010/08/23 20:15
Mtn don win us we no feel get any cheat without RB

Tapz 2010/08/24 09:15
Funny guy whining hackers. lol
Bisoye 2010/08/24 09:15
Its a lie cheat will soon come
Bisoye 2010/08/24 09:17
Its a lie cheat will soon come.
Bisoye 2010/08/24 09:18
Its a lie cheat will soon come..
Waplord 2010/08/24 09:56
Quote: Bisoye: Its a lie cheat will soon come.
cheat d one u go invent or hack.u beta walk 2 recharge card dealer and start rechargin ur account.only gurumastas can surf d net free of charge.dis info is 4 9ja awufu.zain don give mtn deir charm.etibaba go soon beg zain 4 d charm.fbt only 4 gurumastas.

Nattyboy 2010/08/24 10:10
Prov urself
Quote: olayide: I also browse without RB. So, he's not lying.

dareyboy 2010/08/24 11:05
Then give the cheat out if u want to prove urself
Teddy-G 2010/08/24 11:28
Quote: Tony-rizzy: are u insane. If its easy why don't u drop one
u are a big naulty ful

beejay001 2010/08/24 17:53
Mtn don win us
Teddy-G 2010/09/29 09:05
MTN MTN MTN. RB. Request fast die
Manal 2012/09/30 15:41
uhmm ok.......
Replies: 31

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