NO B MISTAKE MTN DONE WIN US by Teddy-G 2010/08/23 20:15
Mtn don win us we no feel get any cheat without RB

Teddy-G 2010/08/23 20:16
Mtn i salute yaah
Monsur-16 2010/08/23 20:19
Dis means nothing
Monsur-16 2010/08/23 20:20
What if another cheat is out a minute after creating dis tred has mtn w0n 0s?
Teddy-G 2010/08/23 20:25
But 4 now there is no cheat expect. RB. TILL next month
Monsur-16 2010/08/23 20:36
Quote: Teddy-G: But 4 now there is no cheat expect. RB. TILL next month
manage it till 2morrow

Nattyboy 2010/08/23 20:37
Guy its mtn 3 nija hacker {2}1/2 .so if any cheat coms hackers wil b leading by half.
Monsur-16 2010/08/23 20:40
Quote: Nattyboy: Guy its mtn 3 nija hacker {2}1/2 .so if any cheat coms hackers wil b leading by half.
i no upderstand

Nattyboy 2010/08/23 20:45
Quote: Monsur-16: i no upderstand
i mean say mtn don block 3 cheats na be d 3 points while hacker don bring 2 and d half cheat because mtn turn al d cheat to rd buton.

Waplord 2010/08/23 21:00
U are lying guy but i'm surfing without red dick since last week
Monsur-16 2010/08/23 21:30
Quote: Waplord: U are lying guy but i'm surfing without red dick since last week
one da fool lie [wonderful lie]

Nattyboy 2010/08/23 22:13
Just click on dis link and gain your owm domain name [link=

Nattyboy 2010/08/23 22:14

Toby555 2010/08/23 23:33
Waplord,na wa u o. Person no know weda na true or lie u dey yarn.
Viz_allati 2010/08/23 23:49
True lie
olayide 2010/08/24 03:49
I also browse without RB. So, he's not lying.
Teddy-G 2010/08/24 06:05
If u have any cheat without RB. Make una post am.
donprecious 2010/08/24 06:31
pricy 2010/08/24 06:47
But once there is n0tting so u dnt need to build up an0ther thread.
Belwas 2010/08/24 07:25
Tony-rizzy 2010/08/24 08:06
Quote: Teddy-G: Mtn i salute yaah
are u insane. If its easy why don't u drop one

Replies: 31

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