finnish teaching by english by trakkerterrorist 2010/08/21 11:17
if somebody wants learn write finnish. I can give hints to talking finnish. Example some internet valiable movies. Who wants to learn?

trakkerterrorist 2010/09/09 22:15
i try think other movies when i find more funny stuff
trakkerterrorist 2010/09/09 22:26
more films at list of finnish films
Eleto 2010/09/10 10:22
I wanna learn
Spektralflamez 2010/09/24 15:39
I got my own procedures
trakkerterrorist 2010/09/30 19:24
anyone else wanna learn?
InternetLord 2010/10/01 09:51
Am ready
trakkerterrorist 2010/10/11 13:11
I was forgotten this. What u wanna learn!
MyHeArT 2010/10/11 18:12
I want learn to0. .
SAGITTARIUS 2010/10/11 19:29
what about Espanol/Spanish?
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/10/14 10:16
i wanna lEarn /smiley
zombies 2010/11/06 10:02
I wanna learn 2.. Yo
-Annie- 2010/11/06 11:15
me i only knw 1 word hyva kullu meta
SAFDAR 2014/03/16 06:20
Smarty 2016/02/07 04:44

Replies: 34

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