~~sLaUghT3r HoUS3~~ SesSIoN1{tHroN3~oF~^D3atH^} by Shaev7 2010/08/13 16:06
dropin rhyme endlesly freestylin witout lukin bck.
Kilin em all wt hatred.



Dnt have mercy on whom u hate...
We revivin ds zone cuz we begin wit ds SESSION 1 sLAUGHtER HOUSE WIT MY HOMMIE GANGSTERION DA C-GUY.. bLaCk_LiSt3d,
Wher u @HNIC-7 ,RaW,Resphanto Jamolous etc.LEts begin n let blood SPILL AL OVA!

only seek for the throne,and sign ur death warrant... I sit @ d top,com drop me down... RapBattleZ only 4d survival,kill any muthafu.cker u dnt like here!... Shaev7

He who bids the rule of Law may deemed to bid God and has element of a beast.. Aristotle

RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/03/22 09:21
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: Brothertherns...ride with me

Ma turn to destroy

ayt listen,listen...this is the mother^FUCKING^FIRST^PHASE/
sit down n hear da number one rapperlogist SPITTING^WORSE^CASE/
listen good or bitch u'll b down on the ground with a BLEEDING^BURST^FACE/
im back with sum ill CRAZE^MUTATED^WORDS/
more iller then RAW's 'dog si natas's PHRASE^ROTATED^BACKWARDS/
salute raw ,yeah..lets keep this shxt rolling without HITTING^THE^BRAKE^PADS/
spitting thru my 6th sense n when i do i start KILLING^THE^FAKE^CATS/
my dawg,shaev7 a.k.a the raven the VERSE^A^TILE^MIC^DRILLA/
pussies betta stay away or he's gonna BURST^YA^BILE^MIGHT^KILL YA/
oh damn,o god.wattafuck man..i just made the fucking last six^SENT^TENCE^RHYME/
that kinda shxt is wat i do i cud even make bars spit by^55CENT^TURN^into a^MIME/
but damn..where's all da niggaz@?wheres askari,hnic^SEVEN^AND^DWIZZARD?/
come n spit pussies coz diz time my alphabets burns n freezes lyka OVEN^AND^BLIZZARD/
i still rememba the past when i tried to^DISS^MAC^VEE/
i called him 'MCPEE' shxt i was so wack but look a me now lyka BEAST^PACK^MCEE/
this is the first chapter a small SEGMENT^to my^STORY/
i'll keep murdering alphabets fragments by
im a 'rhymelogical' legend coz i gave birth to my bars lyk PREGNANT^i was^CARRY/
haha..shxt nigga im done for THIS^SEC/
but its aint over yet better believe i'll b DISSING^BACK/

Death death death...!!!

RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/03/22 09:24
Quote: HNIC7: *mastapiece* mic_phone testin speakaz crackin... Ho wat yal doin? Cnt belv dat sum1 juz abt 2gt skooled yl outa skoolin?
Bulsh.t ok wt my heavy weight multiez AM^ BACK^ WITH DA THUGS^/str8 outa compton to 8 MILE comin 2hit da BACK^of tha BITCH^YUNG~BOSS/tot i ws done wt u,nah juz gota FAG^HITTIN^BUTT/tuk a trip 2mount -everest- n FLYDOWN THA^TOP/dnt wan no cash nomur,wana stop STACK^IN^up my BOX/dis time am here in combination of tha ~head~ n tha HARD^NIGGA^IN^CHARG/sealin u mouth analyticaly gvin u an indelible MARK^WIT~DA^garden FORK/bitch shut da hel u holy WHACK^slittin^wen AM^too^SURGE/am so ~cursed~wit da GAME/and so phukn ~blessed~wit da FAME/am coming as DOPE MCEE(an old hommie here)/homie u comin as ROPE MCEE/u neva cn contest anybody here,the'l tel u how i kil lyk MCVEE/u doubtn u cn ask shaev n BLACK_LIST3D/i tuk ur rap 2da 'Lab' 4it 2b SCAN_TEST3D/and da 'Doc' comfirmed u ain phukn RAP_FITT3D/so liv it 4da legend in ds legendary dat ar RAP_GIFT3D/a heavy flow by b.L eatn da flows n hav em newbie eatn em REMINANT/so ill 2da core wen 'RAW' lost one of his brain TERMINAL/ya wana phuk wt us,nt evn wta 'Arrogant' MILITANT(ASKARI)/shut u mouth wen it getz 2 Shaev cuz al he nid do is to tak ya 4a SEMINAR/

ya am fuly back homie.. Wan kil,yo b.L,dat was an ill one ther!


My tommy open blood gush lyk oil spilin! Ahhhh!
Satan sawin my dick!

RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2011/03/22 10:08
Evil dwelin dis place,*bulsh.t* damn am dead n alive come try ima HEYABUSA
AHHHHHHH...!!! My head is out! My head is phukin out!!..

Nights DARKEN demonz rollin ds PLACE/i ain human no more im carts MYSTICAL u gota chek out my FACE/suckin my DICK n eatin my TESTES/am so hungry BITCH go menstrate n lemme eat ur MENSES/satanicaly -cough- am dyin dnt nid help IMMA TAKE OVA THA WORLD lyk NOSTREDAMUS IN 2012 PREDICTION/alrdy hostn meetn in HELL EVEn wt NICODEMAUS ASK 2TAKE DA WHOL ASIA N EUROPE AS MY OWN PORTION/oh i cnt SERVE GOD,SATAN IS MY FATHER/how many of yal cn DRINK BLOOD,EAT THA FLESH OF THY BLADDER/walkin down da road,got crush by a LONG VEHICLE//,my head got chopped OUT alongside wt my COCK N CLAVICLE//i ain dead/,i walkd wtout my head/i hate SEX! But i phukd my bitch wtout a DICK/str8 in Hell as 'LiSt3d' came openin da toilet door wher i phukd her was ful of BEEZ/arrghh! She died,bt she was lucifa's NIECE/i was rejectd in HELL,bt shaev came to PLEAD/on d proces HNIC got shot by tha POLICE/so insane wen my muma suckd 'b.L's' _dick_ she came home told me got a DISEASE/aw fu.ck it am dead an gota go 4sum jail RELEASES!...

Demons Rollin everywhere!

Resphanto 2011/03/22 22:47
ok.... i see em Dawgs Back(Dogs Bark) in da hood....welcome back to the block,Lets Roll next as we do the RAPLORDs BATTLE COMPETITION.....so Watch OUT/and dnt be left OUT/just like the way i shun em niggas wit ma dick piss OUT/ makin bitches eyes go blind and leave em black OUT/.ha.haha we all together in this shxt but if u dnt like this den fuck OUT/...am OUT/

RapLords Battle....you know yourselves

Yungboss 2011/03/24 21:55
good job kids
phelz-phanto2 2011/03/25 08:10
Hey shev7,think about your life and you will see that you av wasted 24 years of your mother fuckin life getting high on 7up,you are a dum ass nigger thinking you can fuck wiv a nigger who as just one reason to live and thats to get your mother fucking ass wiped side to side letting you know who the real man is PHELZ PHANTO.yo let me introduce ma self im phelz phanto from the ghetto,i came to this fucking zone wiv just one radio but now here i am controlling a studio,shev7 beware of this nigger cos he pulls his trigger harder than the clause of a tiger dont wanna say much for now but just to let you all know im in for a real deal.fuck off y'all
jamolus2003 2011/03/25 22:51
i think its time i dropped some lInE^, i hv waitd n watched enough of disrespECt/ nd now its time 2 ejECt those lil micE^ mcees dat think they got no fear, open em rodent infECt/ed mouth, spittin mediocR3~/ rhymes nd dissin lords who hv struggled their way to d highest ord3R~/of hieraCHy^. its a free world though bt woe, doom nd anarCHy^ betide any rat who spills his cup on me. Torm3nT/ shall floOD^ ya system until u beg me 2 let u kiss ma rOD^. Just like judgem3nT/ day, i will come upon y'all. [jamovirus] Beware, no testin
Shaev7 2011/03/25 23:00
Quote: phelz-phanto2: Hey shev7,think about your life and you will see that you av wasted 24 years of your mother fuckin life getting high on 7up,you are a dum ass nigger thinking you can fuck wiv a nigger who as just one reason to live and thats to get your mother fucking ass wiped side to side letting you know who the real man is PHELZ PHANTO.yo let me introduce ma self im phelz phanto from the ghetto,i came to this fucking zone wiv just one radio but now here i am controlling a studio,shev7 beware of this nigger cos he pulls his trigger harder than the clause of a tiger dont wanna say much for now but just to let you all know im in for a real deal.fuck off y'all

-laugh- dnt 2kno who ds crap is,lyk a ^stubbork kid^am gona gv u 2strokez o3 da WHIP/oh damn so /smiley u rhymez makez me yawn i feel i wana SLEEp/ds juz an intro
wait lemme slot da DISC/

[i]ima gona cum on a Low Key/so ya wont say imma real Dope Gee/lyka a potentiometer,i operate on a Joe Key/ /smiley U cal u name PHEL PHANTO/ /smiley i hope ds nt 2nd RessPHANTO/my wrds shal b 2weak 4ya cuz u juz a FRY/u dnt wana say ma name 'S'phuk da '7' b4 u DIE/juz finkn of wat ta drop,cuz u sh.t isnt up 2ma 5yrz old kids DEMO/i kno u ride on LIMO/yl i cruise on my DINO/sounds funy wen i cum,ya say 'oh' I THY KNO/nw ds up,my last gona seal it up,ds kid trespasin wana inhale wen i RESPIREP^BOMB^/u brains is piledup wt 'insainity',sissinez n abnomality cuz u dad phukd ur mum wt an EXPIRED^CUM^/

die bitch!

Shaev7 2011/03/25 23:19
^Alphabets^chewedup n DIGESTED/my stomach got an unknwn creature on it,n refuse 2b TESTED/swallow a live tortoise gave da ants 2 LiST3D/
i cnt rap anymur,i c da mic isnt FIXD YET/if u brain memory isnt enuff,imma lend u sum DISKETTE/Ressy phukd my baby by da pretty name PINKETTE/died in 2days later n doc says his HIV +ve INFECTED/AskARI strolin wit da female lion,JAMOLUS dick got ERECTED/in hell al da list ar 'LiSt3d'sum homies was REJECTED/so ill_sh!t ^NO DICK/hommies no fu.ck//gat damn ^NO TIT/babies no suck//
stay wt da flows,acompany wt a thunda STRUCK/bring u muma,ima phuk ha 'Arrogantly' wt da use of a FORK!

Shaev7 2011/03/26 20:48
Ok Ressy letz begin da beef^BRAWL/ima sharpen my wrds lyka clamidia slittn ur wrist^DAWG/am nt cumin hard on ds1 cuz u bitch ain got pussy,i ate til eternity my tommy XPLODED/lyk Raw best frnd,cuz am d3mon OVALODED/comin 2^LOW ON^on U/whil u climb my dick ^high^2^SHOW^u da lion^in da^ZOO/
juz got eatn by by a LION/feasted by a 'tiger' amma take u 2da rap ZION/ds tym i say satan is a 'lier'my life's a bitch,cum PHUK ME 4MONEY/so hard on da mic n invade u lyk beez u got DRUNK BY HONEY/

-blast- peace out

Resphanto 2011/03/27 14:19
-hahaha- WAOOH Shaev am on ^DRUGs^ cos you make me ^LAUGH/...i guess this gon a ^THUG^ War of two ^STAFFs/ama fill u up wit ^ROTTEN^CARROT/hav u drunk wit ma cumz ^MAKIN^ u go ^NUT/ama hav yr ass ^BEATEN^LICKIN^ yr ^SOUR/^LEAVIN^ you fuckar ^POOR/...^FUCK^ u Shaev & Raw you both ^SUCK^KISSIN^n^LICKIN^ ma ^ASS/cos ma skull is empty but ^SPITTIN^ ma rhymes so heavy and ^FAST/

FUCK YOU SHAEV!//its time for some hair SHAVE//


jamolus2003 2011/03/27 14:41
listn shaev7 lemme qoute d bible 4 u too "for d blood of abel cried unto God 4 vengeance" nw it seems dt ya insanTY~ is callin upon me 2 addrexx ya immaturiTY~ n cure ya madnexx. Im nt yet ready 2 take d blame 4 MurD^in a MoD^, ya blooD^ is nt yet called for so i'm a warn u shaev7, watch d way u run ya mouf else i'm a take out d sev3n/ in ya name, rearrange it nd shave u op3n/. Dnt mention ma name carel3sslY~ else u'll butcherd reckl3sslY~/ lisn dick h3Ad/ me puttin ya name on ma thr3Ad means u r d3Ad/ u cnt diSS^, man ya rhyme's just like piSS^, u make d whole of rap baTTl3~ stiNK^ better thiNK^ nd go get ya keTTl3~ dicK^ in2 ya dog's piNK^ pussy. dis goes 2 y'all ma rhyme knws no lAw~ go tell rAw~n dia-bowl- lick3r dat he'll sumday testify 2 ma flAwlessness. I'll make him gAG ma cUM/ cos he's just a scUM bAG/. (back 2 shaev) shaev7 jst flyin round d whole of 2wap like a blind ravEN, chirpin rhymez off tune, wait till i set u back on track wif ma whip(thwack....yeee!). Ma rap aint ill. Its just d mind work of ma ill mind, dnt try 2 get too foward by tryin 2 get buSY~ wif me, else i gonna pause u nd rewind u back in2 ya mama's pusSY~. Ma last warnin.... Know ya rAP^ maST3r^ else u'll only make ya wAP^ murd3r^ approach u faST3r^....1...2....over n out
Shaev7 2011/03/28 12:53
Hurt me more..........
Rhyme coming........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

jamolus2003 2011/03/28 14:06
We waitin
Shaev7 2011/03/29 00:14

F%*king my Spouce//wit her Blouse//her body al ya c is a skeleton... Ok yal dissin da MANTLE^HOLDER/eatn wt da devil u dick s gona b PADLE^ROLER/yal 4gt da tym shaev was 'beheaded' by MCVEE/stil wlkn on da streetz of 2wap search 4 RESSY's DICK/needed 2eat sum pork,2geda wt JAMO'S as a BEEF/nw da fight juz began,so who da fuck is gona QUIT?/i remain da staf^OWNER yal juz comin 2 THIEF/nw sum1 so claim he a gee,murfurk un_BEATEN/suckin dicks lyk bitchez,hommiez on da table wt nines on a MEETIN/sissiez claimz em pen is phukn MISSIN/got so many 'hegoats' bitin,n datz am gona kip pub_LISHIN(elfuego)/goin 4d Xtr3me,ds nt sum piece of CHILDS^PLAY/whil JAMO phukin ur ^rabis infested dog^saw u n ur DAD's GAY/faggn em ^butt out^mod resphanto whoopd by bLaCk's GAME/i own ds zone//i destroy yal lyka CYCLONE/saw 'RAW' @layer of ozone//holdn em TYPHONE/

i ws TOUCHD/by da tail/cnt react dat MUCH/afta yungbos got nailed/nw its tym 4Jamolus 2gt on a CLUTCH/imma cum lyk da El-jay/droppn twice in da dustbin ws OUCH/

yal remember what hapend whem LiSt3d got MURDERED/its gona b 'lyrical homicide' cuz sum1 is bout gt struck by 500,000 volts THUNDER/as da Arogant^MILLITANT' was kidnapd by HNIC,i found him on Raw's TUMBLER/
ya tot am gona reluct/na juz hold on 4my dstruct/ya muma resphanto gona gt u dicksuckd/dealn wt high bitchez Xtr3me got maried 2a pigslut/nw who my 4gt JAMOLUS my dick's lyk da kettle,alws boiled wt water 4ya tea in me cuz am cumin as liquid cum 4ya 2drinkpunk/


12mid-night shaev walkn alone CLOSE TO LUCIFER's STREET/saw a femal devil,she got horibl BURST n 9ce TITS/phukd her wt my 2grown dickz,realis she was a DEAD^BODY/who da phuk brot u er,she mentiond bLaCk_LIST3D^HOMMIE/65 litrez of un refined 'fuel' i stuck em on JAMO's TOMMY/rolin lyk dawgs passd him da 'chronic'(weed) 2smoke da whol scene ws juz so FUNNY/wt juz 3bottlez of extassy wt 3stickz of weed,nw dat ws resphanto, juz luk @ da ~mirrow~so watz da resemblance here?
Juz lyka ~frog~wearin sun~glasses on em/datz exactly wat u eyez luk lyk n cnt kip my sexy-cat carelesly cuz u gona porn em/ya head was ripped out whil ya wer shavin(shaev)/nt my phults cuz a chlamidia blade was attach 2da shavn sticks by Jamo cuz datz wat he gave me/imma mention all of em al from LiSt3d,2da arog^ANT^ Askari,silly Ouch n Goat ELFUEGO dyin Smokey so whack 2da Xtr3m3,fadin N3IGHTOR missin DEAD RAW -HNIC rolin wt EL-JAY in da prisson phuk phanto's bitch ANGEL_ABI same linez wtout spekra^cuz i turnd of da flamez^i stil b da only nigga who's shady/if u name ain mentiond dnt phukin blame me/i gave my hypothalamy 2 RAW,my Cereberum to HNIC n my Oblaganta 2 LisT3d,nw where's my 'medulla'? Datz y a goin so crazy/

kip cumin n amma kip stunnin...

[big]FUCK Y'ALL[/b]
if yal wana b my desciple/go kill resphanto/if ya wana c my spit venomous/ya gona go bck dat hol n phuk jamolus/if ya wana how da blood 2ru it stream/den u gona b hard 2da phukn xtr3me!


Xtr3m3_4_3va 2011/03/29 15:43
d^monz^~yelling~shave[sheav]~sheverin~brawl[raw]~shouting~rollingdown~da~abiss~got his body~splitting~by sharp~object~got his head broken away frm his neck by a~gigantic~rock his~six eyez~bhind is~dick~fail to~blink~coz dey've been~blind~raw call on~lucifer~frm da~abiss~for help bt receive a~fire n brimstone~wat a deniall!!~shave[sheav]ur dick waz made to luk lyk a~kettle~by jamulous bt am calling a~blacksmith~to shape it in2 a~frenchcurve~...get doomed.
Shave[shaev]bonez lying~reckless~on d ground coz he's been~careless~can their b hope he ask,?ezekiel quotezd~word~waz spoken n his broken his~bonez~came together bt shave[sheav] nostril got fill wit~ashma~ressy gat ur whole body~involved~in an~involvement~2 d xtent of shaving ur hair_pray da lucifer's~prayer~
sheav a.k.a da LOUDZY MODERATOR

phelz-phanto2 2011/03/30 02:03
Im at the top of every game.
Shaev7 2011/03/30 07:03
Ya wana drink? I gv u ACID/u rhymez ar so weak n FLACCID/ropez on ya neck,stab u wt a dry STICK/nigga u got nufin 2say,i gv u 30minz u beta QUIT/cuz by ds tym 2moro,imma hav u alrdy suck ur partnerz DICK(RESSY,JAMO N PHELZ)/u kip shavin me,lyk ya neva shavd u BEARDS/hommie kip calin n hav u self off HEAD/nw i kno y my name is MENTION/its phukn juz 2gain ATENTION/cuz datz d only way u cn b recognize in ds zone but ima com bck wt bad INTENTIONS/lyk ceejay said,u rhymez ar old n nid 2b paid PENTION/i v nt arive yet,i cn c yal alrdy in high TENTION/its tym 2die,wt high ELECTROCUTION/ya cnt apologize cuz there's no SOLUTION/or if u want,~death~ is ya only RESOLUTION/my screen got HIGH RESOLUTION/stil i cnt view ya face,y? They so tiny lyk MUSTARD SEED/juz comin low,raped an aligator huh u cumz lukz lyk an xpired CUSTARD BITCH!

Mic on da run...

El-jay 2011/03/30 08:04
yoooooo... am back in my house where i slaughter bitchez n feed em to da MOUSE/ me n 7 da raven run dis shxt, so all fuckers listen,chek d price and pay ATTENTION/ amma a doctor here to administer some ADMINISTRATION/am not a minister ,am da prezident of diz NATION/ come to me and get ur REGISTRATION/ fuck the whole RUSSIAN NATION/ i wana battle n break some BONEZ/ i wana blow up da whole rap ZONE/ am thirsty for blood/ i got no blood flow in ma veins/ fuck all ya NAMES/ u got no NAME moddafuka/am so ill,to ill to spit now, i want some to battle, i reserve my rhymez...my shxt so stong my ass cant spit shxt, i shxt bullshxt fuck da whole wide world!!!!!!
Shaev7 2011/03/30 14:12
Ok jay we gon mak ds residence/a total place of nemesis/so no 4gvnez of ds suckaz cuz ima mak sure dey eat bit by bit of 'RAW menses/so lemme strt by murderin 'resPHANTO/u beta b warnd cuz u juz lousy in ds rapZONE/nw whos dick amma goin 2rip out inbtwin em legs 3xtr3m3,resphanto or jaMO?/juz gota relax n dnt kil 2much wana mak sur u run outa ds DYKE/remv ur ~ballz~outa ur ^scrotal sack^c'mon RAW letz play tennis n c who's gon gt SPIKE/oh sh!t i juz don wana murda MUCH/lyk i said am nt OUCH/so beta SHUT/u mouth n dnt talk 2MUCH/am gona paralyz u wt da mic even da doc cnt subject u 2a CLUTCH/2da max 3xtr3m3,imma DISS^u al n misuse yall n hav yall wasted en excreted lyka PISS^its 1tin datz so sweet 4me as my hoby juz 2gt TEASED/neva mind gona change it 2sum1 dat KILLS^u arz amma roast~n froast~em on coldroom damn hit me in da nose~n c hw it goes~
mic alrdy fixd up! Cumin wt a pickaxe 4da next game... So beta b ready cuz sum1 s gona b lame...at da proces!

Replies: 728

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.