Ur name > DESIGNED by pricy 2010/08/10 06:14
drop ur name and get it back designed is a nice topic open for u, and mostly people who dont av pic in their profile..

All u need 2 do is drop d nick u wana design and i will do it for u, so u can download it..

u have to earn 250 pluses for it

X-SPY 2012/01/10 19:00
hi x-spy
X-SPY 2012/01/10 19:16
wounderfull the pls design *x-spy*
X-SPY 2012/01/10 19:22
well x-spy
X-SPY 2012/01/11 07:12
i have some of mine u need to see in my profile
X-SPY 2012/01/11 07:13
spy pls
9018057149 2012/01/11 11:43
AbHiT 2012/01/12 18:23
hey can u design "kiran" for me
Armaldo 2012/01/13 06:54
Frozen Flamez
Armaldo 2012/01/13 06:54
harsha 2012/01/15 18:06
allexclusive 2012/01/16 03:00
Quote: harsha: hai.

What ?

allexclusive 2012/01/16 03:03
Quote: X-SPY: wounderfull the pls design *x-spy*

You dont have 250 pluses yet

allexclusive 2012/01/16 03:14
Quote: 9018057149: Vishal

U still have not earned 250 pluses

allexclusive 2012/01/16 03:17
Quote: K1RaN: hey can u design "kiran" for me

Read rules

allexclusive 2012/01/16 03:19
Marbie and amaleshkrishna both of you still have not earned 250 pluses required here
allexclusive 2012/01/16 14:29
[Armaldo ] without space

_EdGE_ 2012/01/20 16:17
-aaqib- [aaqib]
_EdGE_ 2012/01/20 16:18
Quote: AaQiB-dOn: -aaqib- [aaqib]
not activated yet

teratai 2012/01/25 11:45
[INTAN] tes
khushi18 2012/02/15 13:34
Replies: 403

This topic is closed.
#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
For phones, computing, consoles, gadgets, & internet talk, plus share apps & other files.