Why we can't unite people of the world??? by marion34 2010/08/03 15:13
Different stroke,different style.. And so people have differences.. Can u suggest ur opinion 4 us 2 unite..?

shacc 2010/10/02 14:26
We cant unit all the people, cause the difference is necessary to go ahead, and thats not a shame to be different but the most important to respect ourselves and others
k3lvin 2010/10/02 19:03
Peace is what we want
shacc 2010/10/02 22:24
Quote: donprecious: not in ds century
in 2400

pets 2010/10/03 14:39
sm country them slvs r disunited hnce hard 2 unitdem wid others
marion34 2010/10/06 03:28
Quote: k3lvin: peace is what we want
nice opinion,bt hw we cn achieve peace..

Phoebe3 2010/10/07 18:50
World peace need.
BrownSkin 2010/11/28 12:21
It will never happen, not in this life.
ReAl_PrincEss 2010/11/30 03:17
we cnt unite all people n d world bcoz evry0ne of us has its own interest and diffrent thinking.
jean11 2011/01/01 14:20
it is not posible cause Man is really a creature who consider his own benefits so peace will never be on the hearth
Basim360 2011/01/01 16:55
India was mixture of various Local countrys which alyz fought each other, india has more than 20 language sp eaking People, different cultures,Religion, Life Style, A United India was Impossible... But After the British Invasion & their exploitations, Indians Unitedly fighted & Now INDIA is the LARGEST DEMOCRACY,

so I Think, we should face an ALIEN ATTACK, That only can Help Us.! /smiley

BigDaniel 2011/01/01 22:51
To luv.4 with out luv,there will be no peace.
marion34 2011/01/09 02:19
Yeah,nevr.. Perhaps 1 of d most rison.. abt my topic s greediness(of powr)..
itenawa 2011/02/11 14:02
no peace bcoz men n women look only 4 big benefits that'll give them big proud but them neva start digging 4 deeper humanity
SAFDAR 2014/03/12 10:07
5 fingers are not equal
Replies: 34

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