PRIORITY MP3 REQUEST by NinthElement 2010/07/26 15:35
Post your request here for any existing song, and members may provide it within 48 hours for a fee of 25 pluses or within 7 days for a fee of 10 pluses (which the member providing the correct song will receive). No pluses if a request takes longer to fulfil. Please check the downloads section first to ensure your song doesn't already exist here, also state the album title if applcable and also which size/quality you'd prefer (32kbps or 64kbps etc) or the choice will be left to the providing member (note that higher sizes may be harder to upload/download). If you request a particular song a second time it will be treated as a new request, also any mp3 request made using a new topic may be treated as belonging in this thread. If you upload a requested MP3 inbox Allexclusive to apply any pluses transaction.

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bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/22 23:51
Quote: Miss_sarah: Beyonce just like poison
beyonce_juz like poison

StImY 2010/09/23 18:06
Ime kfgmd hc.d.w p cgodgk0tjgekagj[/b]
Mensah 2011/02/17 02:34
Last nite by az yet pls.
dim_star 2010/12/15 11:51
Quote: Mz.princess.yadav: will u plz upload d s0ng, my heart will go on, by. celine di0n.thank u.
ur sng

smokey_Mc_pod... 2010/09/26 08:58
im looking 4 a mp3 track at 48kbps n dat track is... AIR STRIKE by CANIBUS...
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/26 10:53
Quote: smokey_Mc_pod...: im looking 4 a mp3 track at 48kbps n dat track is... AIR STRIKE by CANIBUS...
try diz.dunno if its the correct one

Good 2010/09/27 21:21
Quote: Solostino: I need "changes" by 2pac.
you are lucky

Good 2010/09/27 21:27
Quote: Good: you are lucky
my phone cant upload the music

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/28 04:01
Quote: redbLue: all songs of lady gaga! i'll pay

More lady gagak's song/smiley

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/28 05:10
there u go redblue..bpe byk lg ko nk??haha
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/09/29 14:28
Quote: Good: my phone cant upload the music
maybe bcoz the size is too big 4ur phone 2handle.

dim_star 2011/02/12 22:41
Quote: meen: Jessie j ft BoB-price tag
ur sng is here

Kennyklien 2010/10/01 14:41
I want "mr endowed by dbanj" and "2010 by sound sultan ft m.i"
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/02 20:18
Quote: cool_hunk: spacebound- eminem,
no love- eminem ft lil wayne TNX
no love
Got diz one in my mobile,so i upload diz one first.

__-dEvIL-hUNt-__ 2010/10/02 01:24
Nice topic/smiley
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/02 02:30
ill try 2get all ur mp3 request a.s.a.p..nw im quite busy lol
cool_hunk 2010/10/02 21:08
Quote: bLaCk_LiSt3d: no love
Got diz one in my mobile,so i upload diz one first.
tnx i actually got both. If u want to dwnld space bound chk my nxt msg bro.

cool_hunk 2010/10/02 21:10
go to Topic id: 2567684 for attachment. Spacebound by eminem
haris 2010/12/18 20:11
I'm alive by celine dion
dim_star 2010/12/18 20:12
Quote: haris: I'm alive by celine dion
here it is/smiley

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.