Giving a Muslim Child a Non-Arabic Name? by haris2010/07/17 09:08 Islam does not oblige Muslim people to choose specific names, Arabic or non-Arabic, for their children, whether boys or girls. It is rather up to people to choose the names for their children. However, selecting names should be pursuant to some Islamic rules that will be stated below. Islam emphasizes that Muslims should have good names and give good names to their children. It is reported in a Hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "You will be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and the names of your fathers, so have good names." (Reported by Abu Dawud)
As for the choice of names, we are given the following guidelines:
1. We must certainly avoid names that indicate any trace of shirk or association of partners with Allah. Therefore it is forbidden to call someone `Abd al-Ka`bah, or `Abd al-Nabi (servant of the Ka`bah or servant of the Prophet), since all of us are servants of Allah alone.
2. We must also avoid names that imply meanings that are offensive or unpleasant in connotations. The Prophet (pbuh) changed names such as Harb (War) with Salam (Peace), Asiyah (Rebellious) with Jamilah (Beautiful), Sa`b (Difficult) with Sahl (Easy to deal with), etc.
3. We are encouraged to give names that have good or noble meanings or associations, for names may inadvertently inspire a person to do great things or stay away from vices. Choosing names of prophets or great persons who have been role models of virtue and piety is an excellent idea. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) named his son Ibrahim, and he said, I have called him by my fathers name!
conclusion: There is nothing in the Islamic sources to indicate that we are allowed only to give our children Arabic names. Since Islam is a universal religion, there is no such requirement. Any name is okay so long as we keep in mind the above points. But, at the same time, while choosing names, we must strive our best not to compromise our Islamic identity.
TheMouse2010/07/17 15:31 (mouse3) Good informative topic, makes good sense
Class2010/07/17 15:37 Nice topic bt an not an islam bt i dont hate it
chocolate.boy2010/07/17 16:03 Nice topic but i think Ppl will be called by their names and their mothers name,not father's name
Tundinho2010/07/17 16:14 I'm a Christian but i've gone through both Islamic/Bible knowledge classes when i was in secondary school. There are 99 names of Allah and i hardly dispute any of them b'cos i dnt engage myself in religion crisis. I believe in God/Allah (Supreme being) and i also believe in Jesus Chist and Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. But the only thing that baffle me is to see Muslims giving their children Allah's Names e.g. Al-rahman,Al-raheem,Al-kitthab e.t.c. and also call dier children Muhammed. I used to see it as muslims compairing their children with Allah but U hardly see christians giving their children God's name e.g Jehova. Christians can call their children shalom meaning peace and nissi meaning provider.
Shuna2010/07/17 16:57 U r ri8 2 sm extent bt i'm nt actualy satisfied wid u perfectly.
Quote: Tundinho: I'm a Christian but i've gone through both Islamic/Bible knowledge classes when i was in secondary school. There are 99 names of Allah and i hardly dispute any of them b'cos i dnt engage myself in religion crisis. I believe in God/Allah (Supreme being) and i also believe in Jesus Chist and Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. But the only thing that baffle me is to see Muslims giving their children Allah's Names e.g. Al-rahman,Al-raheem,Al-kitthab e.t.c. and also call dier children Muhammed. I used to see it as muslims compairing their children with Allah but U hardly see christians giving their children God's name e.g Jehova. Christians can call their children shalom meaning peace and nissi meaning provider.
bro whenever a muslim is given a name of attributes of Almighty Allah, then it's always(must) prefixed wit Abdul(it means slave).. E.g when a baby is given wit a name raheem.. Then that person should always be called as Abdul-raheem... Abdul-raheem means "slave of raheem". Similarly it applies all the attributes of Allah.. And about Prophet's names? Well my 1st post in this topic answers that. We(muslims) are encouraged to give our kids's names as prophets n their companions. Read the 1st post once again. Hope u got ur answer.. . .