Java-Symbian Games by Someone 2010/07/13 11:35
In this topic you'll get... Jar-Jad(Java), Sis-Sisx (Symbian) and 'China mobile' Games. Share games here if you have any. Java Games will work on most of the Java supported mobiles.

Only post 'Games requests'... and please avoid unnecessary comments in the topic if you can. Any views and suggestion (via inbox) is welcome, but No free posting in this topic please.

For more Games, Check : Rishab's topic topic id: 1593618, DareDevil's topic topic id: 2510485 and Sivakumar's topics topic id: 1808789 - topic id: 1796724

Someone 2010/09/17 05:35
ZUMA v3_3D
Supported Mobile Phone:
Nokia 3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5500, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6121, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N81, N81_8gb, N82, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95_8gb.

Olayimika 2010/09/17 21:49
Pls real football 4 my model n6230i
Someone 2010/09/23 09:27
Quote: Lex5006: Assassin creed for my nokia 2600c
Assassins Creed_128x160

Someone 2010/09/23 09:42
Alberninho Football_Nokia S40_128x160
Someone 2010/09/23 09:44
Basketball 2005_Nokia S40_128x160
Someone 2010/09/23 09:48
Blade Trinity_Nokia S40_128x160
Someone 2010/09/23 09:50
Catwoman_Nokia S40_128x160
Someone 2010/09/23 09:52
Cricket Mania 2005_Nokia S40_128x160
Someone 2010/09/23 09:56
Ducati 3D Extreme_Nokia S40_128x160
Olayimika 2010/09/23 17:47
Quote: vipul: Ducati 3D Extreme_Nokia S40_128x160

pls real football 4 my model n6230i pls

kuramax 2010/09/26 17:09
please post some rpg games here.. 128x128 resolution. kindly pm me when you post any 128x128 rpg game.. thanks.
excoqd 2010/09/27 06:16
Game for n gage QD plz
Dayo24 2010/09/27 11:51
pls, i need 9ice games 4 nokia 5310...
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 06:29
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 07:48
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 07:50
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 07:51
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 07:55
ROCKY13 2010/09/29 08:08
Teddy-G 2010/10/05 15:18
Pes 2012 plz 128*160
Replies: 213

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