I think bolt is the best by Rita 2010/07/10 18:01
Am realy sure .it opens very fast

_KJOE_ 2010/07/10 19:17
Wht open fast
Dominic4 2010/07/11 06:30
Nothing open fast.
Eduboy 2010/07/11 17:55
Everything opens fast
Eduboy 2010/07/11 17:58
Bukason talk sense
PAOKARA_NEAPOLI 2010/07/12 15:13
Bolt is one of the worst browsers.It has many bugs.Even a Net Front is better.
Elfuego 2010/07/14 07:00
I lyk it
GBAJUOLAS 2010/07/17 22:57
Pls give me the cheat for bolt
_KeViN_ 2010/07/20 15:39
wot u mean?*confuse*
_KeViN_ 2010/07/20 15:41
wot u mean?(confuse)
peter4luv 2010/07/26 14:47
What kind of sense
-SwEeThArT- 2010/07/27 04:54
Quote: kabirmeaher: wot u mean?(confuse)

bolt is a browser..

AmouR 2010/07/27 09:18
Be comparative. . Bolt is a superior browser for downloading because if your downloading stops because of any network problem then you can pause and resume it and it'll be back in action. . But when it comes to browsing then it can't compete with opera mini !
_drk_ 2010/07/27 19:41
Yup bolt is best an if u have a smartphone example blackberry bolt rocks beta then opera mini
Ayo. 2010/07/28 04:58
It use bolt to watch online video.I think it is the best for now.
Angelbabe1 2010/07/28 17:14
I have bolt on my blackberry... Its fast
Ayo. 2010/08/01 15:14
Bolt is the best.
Vicky4luv 2010/08/01 21:02
Yes it opens very fast.
torent 2010/09/17 23:28
torent 2010/09/17 23:30
Wat r u saying?
Phoebe3 2010/10/19 18:36
It.s gud.i use also. And mjetz too.
Replies: 24

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