: SHE lAuGhS HE cRiEs : by GrUnGePrInCeSs 2010/06/30 17:04
When you r so close to someone and that person always tries to make you hapy and asks you to laugh n b happy always

N suddenly when you start laughing you realise that the person who was making u laugh is crying,he tells u that hw much he loves you,he wants u happy and laughing

Erfan28 2010/07/01 13:43
-hahaha- funny topic!
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/07/01 13:48
Love u golu /smiley .mwah.
_NaVI_GiLL_ 2010/07/01 13:49
Yeah it hapnd to me ....il0vey0u pUNk_gAL so much /smiley
BoUgEnVilLe 2010/07/01 13:57
LuCkiEst pErs0n..? Y..?
GrUnGePrInCeSs 2010/07/01 14:20
Quote: Sonal: M nt lucky . . Golu. /smiley
hey swthrt dnt cry its nly one thng wich cn define tru lv

StoRmLeSs 2010/07/01 14:23
submitive never even sob before anyone knowing that maybe naughty air has brings the dumpness of someones tears and beloved go sad! They love and keep loving till their final string of breath got tobe broke! Thats devine love. . and. . ''Now i become you''
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/07/01 15:49
Thanks dholu/smiley .hehe.
Quote: Sonal: .hehe. God bles u golu molu

MaNmoJi 2010/07/01 15:54
Riddle 2010/07/01 15:57
No, just the usual joke crackers.
Lucky 2010/07/02 16:39
I am unlucky. /smiley
j-culture 2010/07/02 16:44
I dont remember
SHOLLAY 2010/07/02 20:17
Ladiesguy 2010/07/02 20:24
Quote: Laketempest: /smiley let me try to remember, dont think so /smiley
ok lol
Quote: dunrichie: i'm also thinking

evil_inside 2010/07/02 20:54

Sexy_E 2010/07/02 21:17
I dont think so
_upAsAnAA_ 2010/07/03 11:36
Unic0rn_GirL 2010/07/03 11:42
I dnt knw /smiley bt i myself do dis to him
ReAL_RoCkeR 2010/07/03 12:08
Actualy /smiley
Boydinho 2010/07/03 13:43
Hmm... Never experience such thing.
donprecious 2010/07/03 13:46
Replies: 93

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