Wat do u think abt flowers? by S-Aircraft 2010/06/13 06:42
Wich r ur favt flowers?ur thinkng abt flowers.rose.
We al like flowers but quest is wats da reason of its liking?

S-Aircraft 2010/06/13 12:59
Quote: chocolate.boy: jasmine,bougenville and rhowzz /smiley
i askd flowers nt nicks./smiley

sherisarn 2010/06/13 13:11
Red rose
Lelsi 2010/06/13 15:47
Why do i like flowers?Because it is beautiful and don't we all feel happy somehow when we see the beauty and dont we all admire the beauty?
Honestly i like flowers very much, just a look on that beauty relax me, some always reminds me on a nice memories of my life.
I like the most fragrance of lilacs, it always bring me back to a wonderful unforgettable memories....

EDDE 2010/06/13 16:13
Rose r Red
Violets r Blue

O my Lord we Love you

lakezone02 2010/06/14 14:23
I love red roses they beautify love
TheMouse 2010/06/19 17:38
What i I think about flowers? I like those with good character and integrity. Flowers which have bad attitudes I don't speak to, however. My favorite ones are the common ones which grow everywhere in the woods, around the meadows etc.
ghostfreak 2010/06/20 06:30
i luv flowers
ghostfreak 2010/06/20 17:00
NoteBook 2010/06/21 16:10
flowers are love
Lucky 2010/06/22 04:43
i lov flowers. Fov. .rose.
Bluebell 2010/06/22 05:01
I just love flowers as my nic is a name of a flower. They are the most beautifull creation in nature. They touch our senseses and is the insperation to many poems and songs. Dont have a particular favorite as each flower has a beauti of its own.
GhAyAl 2010/06/25 12:00
nice thing cr8td by nature
OceanGoddes 2010/06/25 22:35
They're nice.
SHOLLAY 2010/07/07 06:30
The performs teuraphytic functions,by healing sicks.
MFLOW 2011/04/22 15:47
My favt flowers r Bougenvil nd .rose.
Flowers give us fragrance nd it refreshes our mind.it make us feel hapy.

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/01 10:20
Replies: 36

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