How can i unblock my nokia phone. by Okeokoro 2010/06/12 19:08
Let me see what you have

Ade1 2010/07/28 20:26
Pls any1 who know how d code dat reset sonyericsson k700i
Ade1 2010/07/28 20:28
Pls any1 wit k700i master reset code
Vicky4luv 2010/08/01 20:59
Wat do u want 2 see
_drk_ 2010/08/02 06:07
Security an unlock code 4 any fone is 1234 or 12345 try it!
KAHOTIC 2010/08/03 09:18
u flash it *7780# works 4 me
_keval 2010/08/04 03:35
_ARviN_ 2010/08/04 07:22
Call cust. Care
Eleto 2010/08/04 12:51
Dump that ting
Robasy 2010/08/05 15:45
Am using nokia phone
Teecredible 2010/08/05 21:54
Let see that u got
Tony-rizzy 2010/08/07 21:33
Can u pls simply post the code
_keval 2010/08/08 12:56
Letme so you
_keval 2010/08/08 12:57
Dump that ting
_keval 2010/08/08 12:58
Am using nokia phone
NinthElement 2010/08/08 19:09
Ask your network.
GBAJUOLAS 2010/08/13 14:34
I know No
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/08/14 01:15
I cnt understand
Dahvy 2012/02/21 06:50
Still loading................
Zephyr 2012/02/21 07:02
Just have it reset by a cellphone technician .
Replies: 43

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