MTN ON FIRE by reumat2010/06/12 00:17 U need 2 c d speed on mtn wit opera 4.2, 5beta3 and bolt wit snaptu, shmesager, mig33 and gorila. Wel all i need is ur request den i will fire on wit imidiat effect one love. NAIJA 4 LIFE
Sunrex2010/06/12 18:44 Reumat haha we dey wait na.
Plz post am jare.
reumat2010/06/13 08:35 Some people a abusing me while some are encoraging. Well is not dat am wasting time, i just want much naija 2 benefit dats all.
reumat2010/06/13 08:43 U can as wel watch free dstv chanels and more dats wat i use in watching naija match its real 100% working. So once my loading gets 2 100% i will fire dem all and u will regret on ur request. Love u all. Naija 4 life.
reumat2010/06/13 09:02 5 more request den i will start firing d stuf