~~HOMEPAGE~ IP~~ by skyway 2010/05/15 09:30
NOTE/ all dis IP is avalaible in all countries/ is working well/ for wap brosers/ now us dis

skyway 2010/05/17 05:08
@sleekguy use dis http://webproxies.tk port 80 enjoy ur facebook login ok
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/17 06:19
Quote: noblex9: port80 homepage = wap.ng.zain.com PLEASE D GURU IN THE HOUSE LET CONVERT VIEW OF THE 2 NUMBER IP.
list em...#

princeken 2010/05/17 19:30
u NID MTN FIREWARETO DO IT OKAY!topic id: 1988840
skyway 2010/05/18 13:24
@lil-mel16/ port80
homepage = wap.ng.zain.com

Endure 2010/05/18 17:04
Guy they are not working post another
SLEEKGURL 2010/05/18 19:51
Quote: skyway: @sleekguy use dis http://webproxies.tk port 80 enjoy ur facebook login ok
it's not showing pictures.

Nattyboy 2010/05/19 23:47
Can someone help with a ip code to work my nokia 6300 pls
Bzino 2010/05/20 16:26
BAD GUY /smiley
skyway 2010/05/21 08:35
those that mtn bluck he/she ip and cheat use dis port
8080 the cheat http://

bizzzgee 2010/05/21 19:00
Pls do u av mtn homepage ip.
Rasski 2010/05/22 00:59
Homepage ips pls
Simeon081 2010/05/23 03:39
Homepage ip dat downloads pls
Toptech 2010/10/26 14:44
Pls,i need homepage ip dat work 4 nokia6070
joseman 2010/10/26 21:21
new mtn n eti blazin and workin homepages and cheats 4 opera released yesterday @ http://2millionairewapworld.muf.mobi.
since yesterday i hav start 2 browse free cuz im d firsty lucky person 2 get d mtn new homepages....
guys just go and get yours cuz its our right 2 browse free!

Manal 2012/09/30 12:21
will check.................
Replies: 35

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