*Abrahamic Faith* by jaQui 2010/05/13 07:32

What are their practices n beliefs?
Who practices it?
What are its followers called?

michael4charles 2011/11/26 15:19
Quote: Yemyem: [quote=Bangali]Abraham himself was a Muslim.[/quote)

stop jumping into conclusion he was not a Muslim
Real beleviers dont doubt.

jaQui 2015/01/17 13:21
Quote: Bangali: Abraham himself was a Muslim.
says who?

_LeGoLaS_ 2015/01/17 13:46
I have only doubt how and when he studied or learned about the vedas and create a religion based on that
rahul0kumar 2015/02/01 12:05
No abraham was not a muslim, but his child ishmael was muslim. His child has made the muslim religion.
Replies: 24

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