W.T.F... by smokey_Mc_pod...2010/05/06 00:41 whr da fuck is dat topic of me n undaground bt luckily i copied da verse on my fone n havnt overwritten it...
Quote: millian: Funny U didnt defendd shaev's verse. I aint dope? Ha bet U didnt type that wit a straight face.
Defend what?! I didnt see anything worth that in here.Funny you always yap yo mouth yet neva seen even averse from you since I joined this shxt n yet you claim to be dope.The only emcee I respect ova here iz Shaev coz he's skilled even el-jay iz way above your ass.Those are the only emcees that can earn my respect around here coz they dont hate for the sake of it. True hip-hop soldiers.
Quote: smokey_Mc_pod...: wow... so u givin up undrground or r u runnin so scared dat u called these bunch of nigerian wackos...
im mean is it coincidence dat ur unda fire n suddenly they jst pop up out of nowhr?
bt anyways mili, i got one word 4 these kind of mc's - HATERS!! like katt williams said: "let them do their job n dats 2 HATE" while we push THE HIP HOP MOVEMENT...
Bitchin n yappin wont help shxt in your rap skillz mongoloid.By tha way i cant hate what i conquered, am just givin more teachings.
Quote: Underground: Defend what?! I didnt see anything worth that in here.Funny you always yap yo mouth yet neva seen even averse from you since I joined this shxt n yet you claim to be dope.The only emcee I respect ova here iz Shaev coz he's skilled even el-jay iz way above your ass.Those are the only emcees that can earn my respect around here coz they dont hate for the sake of it. True hip-hop soldiers.
LMBAO All hail da hiphop solder, fucking unbelievable. Shaev n Eljay? Hmmm two things they have in common they are lame n they are ur groupies. Pardon me if I dont wanna be a fan, lol Rather get a blow job than give one
Quote: Underground: Defend what?! I didnt see anything worth that in here.Funny you always yap yo mouth yet neva seen even averse from you since I joined this shxt n yet you claim to be dope.The only emcee I respect ova here iz Shaev coz he's skilled even el-jay iz way above your ass.Those are the only emcees that can earn my respect around here coz they dont hate for the sake of it. True hip-hop soldiers.
Unda,thnk JAH u got urself a 2wap rap factn. Just as av bn thinkin,d triangle is well constructed,no offence! 4 me,i rep maself only,ain't reppin no 4ckin body. Smokey and Milian...hmmm!
Quote: millian: LMBAO All hail da hiphop solder, fucking unbelievable. Shaev n Eljay? Hmmm two things they have in common they are lame n they are ur groupies. Pardon me if I dont wanna be a fan, lol Rather get a blow job than give one
Cant blame this guy he's juz a pauper lyrically and he cant believe it. I grow on such negative energy so hate all you want but am still at the top and aint nuthin you can do bout it.
Quote: millian: LMBAO All hail da hiphop solder, fucking unbelievable. Shaev n Eljay? Hmmm two things they have in common they are lame n they are ur groupies. Pardon me if I dont wanna be a fan, lol Rather get a blow job than give one
Watch yer mouth boy.why nt jst quit yappin n show me sum skilz.u've jst been a fuck so far.wack
Toby5552010/05/15 06:32 Y can't y'all shut ur asses 4 once! U just irritatingly kp actin lyk torn pussies. Am outta here!
smokey_Mc_pod...2010/10/11 13:26 since i cnt open a new topic, ima jst re_open dis ONE...
2 rekindle da flame in me n start makin niggaz RUN...
hw swt of eel_gay... thinkin im pussy whippd nigga like OUCH...
u dnt want me fillin bullets punk all in ur MOUTH...
im a nigga 4m africa, rite here down in da SOUTH...
u jst a peep sqeek, like da MOUSE running da HOUSE...
n wud sum1 tel me wht da fuck is "OUCH is 2MUCH"
u sound dumb enuff to whn i pull my dick out, u wil begin 2 CROUCH...
biatch dis is hell not heaven u cn even ask shaev7...
Ouch2010/10/11 17:46 Smoky or rocky,u ar a funky,gues who corky its OUCHY, U ar ryme dubler,u ar punk like a cubler, u spat in my bars,nd im gona gv some balds,u ar nt real,u stole others wheel,i gt serious swag nd i dnt nd 2brag, i 4ck u in ur zone,direct 4rm ur home, am ur king of king,u ar a tin tin, some mc's shuld learn hw 2b origanal. Im dign ur grave cus u ar rove. U try me u ar dead,its ouch muderfucka
Ouch2010/10/11 18:39 Dis is an unfinishd beef,btw me nd dis punky flitch,i smoke u nd i puff u, u c dis music i flip to,i dip u,so u nd 2subscribe2, u knw my critaria.am 9geria,u sick bacteria wn im in ur area. Ur mama hate u,bt she's my fuckn mate.my roth cut like salvage,u smel like a garbage.murderfucka its OUCH, i spit on ur grave,nd ingrave u. U ar dead men
Ouch2010/10/12 06:41 Smokey u luk like a DONKEY,ur face is like a MONKEY cuz u ar a JONKEY. U ar VIRUS in dis ZONE,bcos ur EGUS in d south ar like a CLONE,U ar INFECTED son,dats y u ar REJECTED son.U dnt nd 2b KILLED,u already hv my PILL. I won ur mama in a crown CORK LOTTERY, she sworn 2fuck my CORK dick BATTERY. U ar nt my MATE son,ur mama is fuck MATE,U gona HATE it son,dn ama go 2ur FATHER nd evn ur BROTHER,Ur FATHER is my dog HANDLER,wat a dogy FATHER nd a Junkey BROTHER,Ur FAMILY is my SALARY,dats yall my EMILY. And 2u am gona poke u son,cuz u ar a floke son. In dis rap ZONE,im always on da THRONE,bcos i control ur HOME u ar a fuck CLONE. U ar a DUMY Boy,u cnt c my CLUMY Boil.i tear ur HEART APART,im always on RED ALERT. My ACTION,is a REACTION,2my SATISFACTION,in CONJUCTION 2ur INSOBNRDINATIOn, Dn u wil knw y dey HOLLA say,OUCH is 2MUCH. Ha,Ha,HA,Dead&Buried men,u ar Dead, Mess wit me boy dn U Ar DeaD SoN.
lol... donkey, monkey, jonkey i might jst hav 2 set IT...
cuz dude ur rhymes sound soooo PATHETIC...
n stil got da nerve 2 pm me n tel me 2 watch his battle wit eel-GAY...
only 2 find out he using m.i n 50 cent's lyrics 2 lose to a GAY...
use ur own fuckin lyrics cuz cats in here will leave u DECAY_ed...
bullets cummin ur WAY, bitch ass nigga u dnt wana get SPRAYED...
they call me smokey... puff puff, bitch u jst got BLAZED...
im sick, like u said im a virus in dis ZONE...
i dnt kiss ass cuz i came up here all ALONE....
u say ur on da THRONE, 2 me ur waste n need 2 b THROWN..._away
n whoeva holla n say "ouch is 2MUCH"...
i change dat phrase n turn it 2 "ouch is my LUNCH" lol
dis is so effortless im eatin u while im sittin on da COUCH...
ur wack nigga, i wil stand at court n VOUCH 4 dat...
ur blind like a BAT...
u need 2 get outta here while u still got ur life INTACT...
OUCH is my LUNCH_...
Ouch2010/10/15 10:48 I put ur mama in my PORSH CAR,cuz i 4got 2tell u she's my PORN STAR. Dey call me king of TROY,cus it gvs me JOY. U cal ur self SMOKEy MC POD,i jst changd u 2my SMOKEY MC POT. Im d reasn y u canot BREATH,bcos u ar always UNFIT. I pv ur life in TRAUMA,bcos ur shxt is as DRAMA. U"ll neva rest in PEACE,acept i gv u my KISSES. I ANALYSE ur LIFE,nd PARALYSE ur WIFE. U ar BOY,nd u wil always b my TOY
smokey_Mc_pod...2011/02/16 00:00 wel rappin abt my moms kid aint really goin 2 help U...
cuz ur battling me n im stil sick like i got swine FLU...
u say they call u TROY cuz it gives u JOY...
2 me u jst TOY cuz im jst playin wit u BOY...
u need 2 open ur eyes n have a gud GLANCE...
cuz battlin me is like bein in an accident n dyin in da AMBULANCE...
u really dnt stand a chance even if dis was da LOTTERY...
cuz ur r rhymes r outta shape like amateur tryin out POTTERY...
Yungboss2011/02/16 10:04 undagroud u fukin beat tht shxty out of this mothefuker