Psychic Powers? by saab 2010/04/23 12:30
Do u Believe That Some People Can See d Future & Predict Right & Who d Best Among Them?

enyioma 2014/02/06 21:21
its prossible

TinHeart 2014/02/07 06:17
it is possible.Some secret structures where been established by Germany,America,Russia and Great Britain in World War 2 to conduct the so called PSI war.Those countries conduct experiments even today.

detrimentum 2014/03/16 12:57
No. I believe in discernment.
VampireGirl 2014/04/15 08:41
Yes, Im psychic, im still learning how to control it. And i can do energy healing also.
Ooosaravalli 2014/07/05 06:03
never, no one can see the future..
Kayli 2014/07/16 21:14
My frnd can see things be4 it happens. That i saw with my own eyes.
@Moon_boy@ 2014/07/17 08:38
yeah i think and i belive so.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03 08:28
Yea it is possible...
CHIPPY 2016/04/13 20:46
No, i dont believe in it.
Replies: 49

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