Go to and Download file explorer andjzipman) if u do not get theme on ur phone download one
Step1:make a copy of any theme of ur mobile using file explorer and paste it in anew folder(with any name).then change the extension of d theme 4rm NTH to ZIP.
Step2 pen/select that pasted theme with the will show a list of fileswith check boxes.Now from the option menu choose SELECT ALL and then press theEXTRACT will take some time.After it finishes,close d jzipman and goto that new folder and u will see many images,some tones,some unsupported filesthere

Step3:identify the background, screensaves, wallpaper, ringtones etc from that theme whichare used in the that theme.Now u can change/replace the object from that folderwith ur preferred imager and tones using file explorerForexample,suppose u find a JPG file named menu_bg.jpg in that folder which wasused as menu background image.At first copy the image that u want to use asbackground image and paste it in that folder.Now delete the menu_bg_jpg fileand rename the newly pasted file as menu_bg_jpg.

step4,ushud not forget the name of d deleted file coz u will give same name to the newinserted delete d old theme file (which u have renamed as Zip)from datfolderwithsimilar method mentioned above,replace any file in that folder that u want tochange.Remember one thing,that b4 deleting a file u must not forget its namecoz u have to give same name for old theme file(which u hv renamed as zip)fromthat folder.
Step5 pen jzipman and go inside that scroll over all the that scroll over all the files in thatfolder and press the SELECT button on every file.Note that u will not see anychanges when u press d select button.After finishing all the files,open doption menu and click on d LIST button.u will see a list of all files u press d Option menu and select the PACK button.Then itwill show a path of saving file,change only the ZIP to NTH and keep other names unchanged.Then press OK.After everytin,close the application and go to thatfolder and u will see ur created theme.ucan download one created here

Govind.N 2010/04/23 17:32
I will make it
Bzino 2010/04/23 20:16
Its not working...
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/04/23 21:10
GDN am still waitinq!
GOODNESS 2010/04/24 20:31
pls try to read it carefully
GOODNESS 2010/04/24 20:33
pls try to read it carefully@limel
GOODNESS 2010/04/25 07:06
Quote: GOODNESS: [b]Go to and Download file explorer and jzipman) if u do not get theme on ur phone download one
Step1:make a copy of any theme of ur mobile using file explorer and paste it in anew folder(with any name).then change the extension of d theme 4rm NTH to ZIP.
Step2 pen/select that pasted theme with the will show a list of fileswith check boxes.Now from the option menu choose SELECT ALL and then press theEXTRACT will take some time.After it finishes,close d jzipman and goto that new folder and u will see many images,some tones,some unsupported filesthere

Step3:identify the background, screensaves, wallpaper, ringtones etc from that theme whichare used in the that theme.Now u can change/replace the object from that folderwith ur preferred imager and tones using file explorerForexample,suppose u find a JPG file named menu_bg.jpg in that folder which wasused as menu background image.At first copy the image that u want to use asbackground image and paste it in that folder.Now delete the menu_bg_jpg fileand rename the newly pasted file as menu_bg_jpg.

step4,ushud not forget the name of d deleted file coz u will give same name to the newinserted delete d old theme file (which u have renamed as Zip)from datfolderwithsimilar method mentioned above,replace any file in that folder that u want tochange.Remember one thing,that b4 deleting a file u must not forget its namecoz u have to give same name for old theme file(which u hv renamed as zip)fromthat folder.
Step5 pen jzipman and go inside that scroll over all the that scroll over all the files in thatfolder and press the SELECT button on every file.Note that u will not see anychanges when u press d select button.After finishing all the files,open doption menu and click on d LIST button.u will see a list of all files u press d Option menu and select the PACK button.Then itwill show a path of saving file,change only the ZIP to NTH and keep other names unchanged.Then press OK.After everytin,close the application and go to thatfolder and u will see ur created theme.ucan download one created here[/b]

mini of 9ja na brain na. Very simple

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 12:58
SenDinG AppLicaTion wiT S40
GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:07
The only tool we'll be using is the
The one i will be giving u contains
no Ad,no internet access and also it
is d cracked and signed version if u
knw what i mean!!!
...So u can get ur copy by clicking on
dis link=>

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:12
GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:14
Afta downloading d blueftp
~locate the application[BlueFTP]
~Goto Option
~scroll down and select application
~select add and edit user data
~select ask everytime
[very impor tant]
Without doin dis knw dat u hv failed

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:24
[b]Without wastin ur time all d files u'll
using will be in .zip format
The sites i knw where u can get files
with d extension '.zip' include or better still>here they have all
their file in '.zip' extension
Afta downloading it will write file
format unknown, dont worry coz itz
still useful...[/b]

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:26
Now Open ur BlueFTP
LOCate ur application e.g
operamini4.2 either in C: or E:
drive or any oda folder u saved it
NOTE: Some use fone browser to
download and afta d download, d
file come .php format all u hv to do
is use d blueftp or any file manager
to rename it to .zip
click on the file, u may see more dan
one folder jst continue selectin dose
folders till u see d raw file i.e
Goto menu and select "Extract
selected item"
It will then take u back to d root
Now select d folder u want to save it
and select "Extract items here"
NOTE: its gud to create folder were
u save d raw files
Afta extraction d file will now appear
in dis format "Operamini4.2_jar"
You will then rename it to
"Operamini4.2jar" by delecting the

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:32
Now afta renaming d _jar to jar
Switch on the bluetooth of d fone u
want to send the application.
u'll copy any paste wit d BlueFTP
Goto to d bluetooth menu of d
BlueFTP and click search
It will pair the device with ur phone
Afta pairing the device u'll copy
with wit blueftp...
U can go to menu and select copy
and move to d bluetooth menu of
blueftp click on d paired device
paste on any folder of ur choice by
go to menu again and click paste
Now here is d shortcut jst locate d
raw file u want 2 send and press "1"
goto bluetooth menu locate any
folder u want paste it and press "3"

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:36
~PICK D FONE U SEnt d Raw file
~LOCate d folder u pasted d raw
~RENAME d raw file by adding (.) b4
jar e.g the raw file might be smtin
like dis "92eb3542jar" or
jst put (.) b4 jar => like dis
operamini4.2.jar Like Magic d
Application appears!!!

GOODNESS 2010/04/25 13:40
any questn
KiNg_SouL 2010/04/25 16:41
Thanks 4 it
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/04/27 13:21
0k the theme w0rk but i get c0rrupt them unable t0 0pen when am ab0ut t0 applq it
LANRETJ 2010/04/27 21:39
I cant make it.
Profesor 2010/04/29 12:45
Thanks great topic
H2so4 2010/04/29 21:25
10 q i will giv it a trial
Replies: 48

#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
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