TRUTH or SCARE? by chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:13
Hi friends
Here I m posting some of the most famous ghost stories of around the world.They are believed to be true.Read yourself and decide wether they are true or not.
You can also post any real ghost story if you want

I have collected these stories from some ancient books and web,

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Positive karma means story is true and negative karma means story is false

So have a scary time while reading

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:35
Demon in my grandmas house by Kristina M.T.
Ok, so this like really happened i swear. o here it goes. My grandmas sister ( when they were younger) went to a phsyco ward with her friends for like fun or something and all of a sudden this old woman comes up to her and starts shakin her and sayin all this crap. Then my great aunt felt like really sick and had to through up. So she went back home. or well to my grandmas house cause thier parents were on vaca. As soon as she came into the hose she sat down with my grandma and my dad and his sibblings ( when they were babies)and the power went out. well since my grandpa wasnt home she went to go check out what happened herself. She looked in the power box and all the cords were pulled out. she was like "what the heck!?" and put them back in. the she went to go read her bible and pray cause she was kinda freaked out.

Then all of a sudden the babies strated cring in thier beds, cause she put them down for a nap. She went to check on them and tons of pills were spred around each of them and empty pill bottles were all around the room. She hurried up and picked them all up and went to go back to her bible and pray alot more, but when she went to look at it, every page with a picture of jesus on it was ripped ou and thrown around the room. My grandma grabbed the phone and called my grandpa. He didnt want to come home but did anyways. When he got home all of his clothes were thrown every where and his wallet was on the bed, " he was like oh my god!!!" cause every picture of his children in his wallet was taken out and set evenly in a row. and every head was ripped off and set in a row. They had to kick out my great aunt cause they couldnt deal with it any more. So thier parents picked her up and were on the highway to get home. The her door flew open and she could have died if she wasnt holding on. and when they git home my great grandma's mirror read in blood "IM GOING TO KILL YOU". Ya its all true i swear they even have picture sof the bible and stuff so i swear its true! pretty scary what demons can do huh?

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:36
Lady in the C.R. of our school by wala eh!
In our school there are so many stories about ghost. many students and school official died in our school. their spirit never stop they really want a justice for their self. the afternoon class is their target. every fternoon their spirits felt by the students. sometimes the door of the c.r will close even no one are there.there are maany shocking story about school and i wll tell u a little bit. there are a student had a boyfriend but actully he is lesbian. his girlfriend are become closer to a one boy(classmate). the lesbin was get jealous. he wait hs grlfriend in the c.r. but he accidentally kill a student but not her girlfriend. so the lady that she killed on the c.r. are wants justice up to now the lady stll wants a justice.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:38
Chopsticks by Bryn Rivenbark
Once there was a family of three that had moved into a house in New York. The parents decided to go on a cruise. They did, and left their child home. then, in the middle of the night, she was looking for someone to play a game of Chopsticks with her when all of this sudden lightning struck the girl. The parents never came back. Two years later another family moved into the house that the other girl died in. Those parents decided to go on a cruise.

In the middle of the night the girl had awoken to footsteps at the bottom of the house's stairs. She thought,"Oh that's nothing." and she went back to sleep. A few minutes later she woke to some one singing "Chopsticks Chopsticks one, two, three wont you come and play with me." The girl thought it was her imagination. then she heard a knock at her door and someone saying, "Chopsticks Chopsticks one, two, three wont you come and play with me im coming into your room." The girl hid under her covers. "Chopsticks Chopsticks one, two, three wont you come and play with me im almost to your bed." The girl peeked at the person and she saw a transparant figure that looked like a scary clown with two knives. her covers were pulled off and the clown struck her 10 times until she died. A month later the second girl's parents came back and when they walked in they saw the clown with two knives chanting: "Chopsticks Chopsticks one, two, three wont you come and play with me." And they looked in horror as they saw their daughter behind the chanting clown staring straight at them doing nothing. The parents moved out and the Clown and the girl seeked more kids to play Chopsticks with them. And they never stopped.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:40
Army camp office radio ghost by teetooman
1991,in one of the army camps in the northern part of singapore. i was serving my natinal service and had one year more to serve. i have heard of ghostly encounters from my company mates buti had no first hand experience. one night i was serving as COS(company orderly sargeant) and was supposed to sleep in the office 1145pm i locked up the office switched the lights and went shower. i came back to office at around midnight.the instant i stepped in, the radio at the table which was just 2 meters away clicked on and the song "leave a light on for me" by belinda carlise came on. if you know the lyrics of the song trust me it will freak you out. i felt my hairs on my neck stand and felt a chill. i decided to sleep in the signal coy office with the other COS on duty.apparently other COS have weird encounters but nothing as freaky as mine!

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:41
The Poltergiest of my Bedroom by Chloe
I was in my bedroom one night at about 9:30pm sorting out my bedroom. I went to sort out my bedside table. On my table I had some books, a glow in the dark clock and a pencil pot full of-obviously-pencils. I had quite a long bedside table, and I put my glow in the dark clock on one end, near my pillow so I could see it, and my pencil pot on the other end. Then I shut the door, climbed into bed and turned out the light. I snuggled down and watched my clock, watching it change colour. then I turned over to look at my favourite poster on the wall, opposite my bedside table(My poster had a horse called Mischief that had been sold, and I missed him so I liked to look at the poster every night before going to sleep). I only looked at it for a few seconds. Then I turned back to my clock. But my clock was gone! Confused, I switched on the light. the clock was not gone, but the pencil pot was in front of it! It had stopped me from seeing it. I moved the pot back and turned the light off again. Then there was this creaking. I looked and my door was opening and closing, all by itself... the light switched on suddenly, then off again. I didn't sleep a wink.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:41
When we saw a person at the window by zoey
One day in the night me and my two brothers and my cousin were going to eat soup we went into the kitchen and then the lights went out we got scared so we went to look for flash lights we kept looking but, we didnt find anything but we found candels so we lite the candel and just started saying scary stories and after that we got thirsty i went into the kitchen and got some coke and when the lighting had struck i looked and turned at the window and i saw a really scary man with a really white face i had screamed and my cousin came into the kitchen and he said whats wrong i said turn around and he saw the same thing that i had seen we wnt into the living room and told everybody else and they got scared the light had been out for at least 6 hours but then we heard the door open but the door was locked so could pen it but everybody was inside the house but i ran to the door and locked all of us huged eachother but then i hered somebody call my name but it coudnt been my brother or my cousin caz i knew there voice but the voice sounde like the devil and i hered foot steps it came closer and closer and then i heared a chair thrown across the room so an hour passed and the lights came back on we were feeling happy caz the bad things had happen and thats the end of my real story..........

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:42
Mysterious man by boo
No joke the following attualy sunny day me and my best mate sophie were walking home from school and i saw this man and looked him in the eye and said hi my friend said who the f**k are you talkin to stupid i totaly dismised it and sed no one nevermind i thorght i saw some one. The following day i walked to school alone and saw him again he said his name was paul and he asked where i was going it was at that moment i reconised the man it was my friend sophies dead father, frightened i ran to my mother who was a close friend of pauls she explaned that his death was suicide and that he may be looking for someone to explane that it was his only way out and that he loved sophie and her mother. And sure enough the following day he did explane that his suicide was infact an accident and a cry for help. I then went to my friend and explaned what i had experianced strangely belived me and told her mum after this i didn't see him again but i do see other sprits on occasions looking for help.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:43
pottery Farm What? by bbj
In 1963 my girlfriend and I were parked on Pottery Farm Rd off of Back River Neck Rd. This area is part of Essex, Baltimore county, MD. She and I were in the rear seat and after some petting she had placed her bare foot on the rear side window. The car was a 1956 Chevy two door. As we talked I thought I heard a noise as one might hear when rubbing a finger over a glass surface. Asking if she had heard the sound or moved her foot, there appeared behind the car a light. At first I thought it was a flashlight which someone was carrying. The problem was that the area at the rear of the car was all brush and bushes and the light was very steady yet moving towards us at a high rate of speed. Of course my girlfried Carol was beside her self with fright. I leaped over the seat and put the car in gear tearing through part of the large bush we had parked behind. Pottery Farm Rd is located next to an old elementary school and is mostly un-paved. There seemed to be people living at the end of the road and I felt the light could have been from someone living nearby or even a guard watching the school property. As we reached Back River Neck Rd I stopped the car and we looked at each other in amazement. Neither knew for sure what we had seen except it was a fast moving light the didn't bounce as if it were being carried and we heard no noise.

I took her home and drove back to a friend's house not far from the road. I was eighteen and full of myself to a point so my friend Jim and I went back to the spot. We were armed with two of his dad's pistols and two flashlights. Parking the car heading back toward safety and next to the half demolished bush, we walked, well tried to walk to the location I guessed the light had been. The was so many bushes and undergrowth it was not possible to walk in a straight line.

Of course we found nothing. That morning at about six am he and I went back again. For the next two hours we searched every part of that area. No footprints other than ours, no broken grass or branches could be found. Finally, we drove to the end of the road. There were only abandoned houses at the end of both forks. Pottery Farm devides into two forks and we searched them both. Carol and I never went back there again. It was a great place to park until that night, and they were hard to come by for teens. At one point the county even blocked the road from use. I've driven past there over time and after 45 years I can still see that light and feel the anxiety I felt then. Too bad, but Carol married another man and I've lost track of her. I would love to know if she remembers, as do I

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:43
Ok i think maybe i might just be a paranoid freak but i locked myself in the bathroom because i was tired of being yelled at by my dad who was drunk at the moment. im kind of an unusal person meaning that i can see ghosts sometimes key word sometimes but i was in the bathroom and i was staring into the mirror on the wall all of a sudden a face appears on the door behind me i turn around and i see it for a split second and it disaapears. i stand there paralyzed and i feel this cold sensation that there is something behind me i turn around and there is a reflection in the mirror of a person hanging themselves struggling to get free i turned around and i helped them down the next day on the news a person was on the news saying that they had tried to hang themselves and had mysteriously fallen down saying that they had felt hands on them.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:44
You are missed Carryann by Char
I wanted to write a little about my brother's ex girlfriend (Rhonda) and her sister (Carryann) that was killed by her evil boyfriend. I say her boyfriend is evil because when I had met him for the first and last time they had been staying at my brothers for a night and then going back to Canada this guy made my skin crawl. I was partying with everyone until Carryann's boyfriend had woken up and he gave me the creeps so bad that I had to leave and wouldn't go back over until he fell asleep again.

I told Rhonda that I thought that he was a bad person and that the vibes I was getting were really creepy and that I just thought that he was evil... she said she thought he was creepy too. At work one day I received a call from my mother saying that Carryann was killed by her boyfriend. She had planned on leaving Canada but couldn't find her card to leave and she needed that to go through the boarder. We think he had found out that she was planning on leaving and in a drunken rage hit her on her head with a bat and then stragled her to death. I just broke down and cried... that poor girl had such a hard life. They lived on the reservation and it is a hard life for them all. They don't have allot of job opportunities and they drank allot because there is really nothing much to do there other wise.

Well she drank and drank until she was so drunk that people would take advantage of her (men) and the girls mostly didn't like her because of it. After work that day I went and bought all her sisters and myself teddy bears they were all different colors but the same kind of bear (mine was maroon) and I was crying on the way home and told Carryann that I was so sorry that he did that to her and that she didn't deserve it. I also said that I had bought them all a teddy bear and the one that was mine was really for her but that I would keep it for her.

It just really broke my heart that she had almost gotten away from him if she had not lost her card she would have left the day before he killed her.

I had given the teddy bears to her sisters and we all cried together and I kept the one that I was for Carryann and I put it up on my entertainment center. A couple of days later it was gone. I never did see it again so I think that Carryann took it!

One day my boyfriend and I were playing a game of dice and we started talking about Carryann and he was saying mean things like she was a drunk and I told him to shut up that she had a drinking problem but she was a very sweet person that loved children and I was kicking his butt in dice.

I said Carryann is helping me kick your butt because you're saying mean things about her... I said the only way that you have a chance in winning would be if you got all six of the same dice.

Well we went in the other room to have a cigarette break and when we came back all the dice were changed to all ones! He was like you did that... I said no dummy I was with you remember!!! I said see she's letting us know that she is here so you better say you?re sorry! He did!!!

Rhonda was having a baby with my brother and we had a baby shower for her. Well at her baby shower when she was opening her gifts we all heard someone say WOW and it sounded like Carryann and everyone in the room heard it and it wasn't any of us that said it!

It was Thanksgiving and I was in the kitchen when I felt a cold breeze go right through me. I thought oh my brother must have his door open then I realized he didn?t and there was no windows open either. I knew then it was Carryann. I went into the other room and my mother said she thinks that Carryann was visiting and then I told her about the cold breeze going through me!

We (my brother, Rhonda, me and my boyfriend) were watching the football game and we all really get into football. I was like Carryann give us luck we know your here with us but give us a sign and the picture that she had given Rhonda fell off the wall!!! The Pat's won the game that night too!

My brother had broken up with Rhonda and now my baby niece who I miss with all my heart is in Canada with her mother hopefully I will be seeing them soon but anyway he had another girlfriend Katie that was staying with him and her first time sleeping in Rhonda's bed without my brother sleeping next to her she said she felt someone pushing her out of the bed!

It happened seven times until she said fine I'm leaving and went and slept on the couch with my brother. It scared the shxt out of her! She would not sleep in that bed alone again!!!

Carryann's mother was told by Physic that Carryann was around for a while because she was angry that she was killed but she was finally at peace. I think that they can come and visit when the want to but nothing has happened lately. Hope you liked the story it is all true.

P.S. We were cleaning our yard last weekend, me, my boyfriend and some friends that we had over and someone had found Carryanns card on the ground. She has been gone for years? it?s so sad that she had lost her card at our house, it was the last time that I had seen her alive. We still love you Carryann

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:45
Saved by an Angel by Char
It was many years ago my family was visiting my grandparents and it was a hot summer day so we were all out at the pool.

My grandparent?s pool had two sides to it one was four feet and the other was eight feet well I was only about six years old and wanted to be with everyone else at the big end of the pool. I was holding onto a float and went to grab onto another one and let go of the one that I had but didn't grab the other in time. I was all ready into the 8 foot part of the pool and I went straight down. I was panicking and kept trying to get back up to the surface. Every time I was almost there and tried to call out for help I would sink back down again. I heard someone say where did Charlene go and someone else said oh she must have gone into the house.

At that point I was so tried of trying to reach the surface and then all of the panic just left me and I was about to give up and everything felt so peaceful. It was really a strange feeling after being so afraid and then at peace. Anyway I heard someone say in my ear to LOOK UP and I really was just about to give up but I looked up and there was a float above me. I reached up and grabbed it and dunked my dad and he ended up saving me. If it wasn't for that voice I would have died... there is no denying it. My dad asked me later if I was thirsty he was always joking around like that.. Miss you dad and will love you always... he killed himself two years ago... I hope he is at peace now. Thank you for listening to my story it is true.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:46
The dead ones
Well my friends and i were up in the mountains and found this old cemetery. so we decided to go check it out, we got up there and saw two people sittin next to two different head stones, they looked at us and we apoligized for interupting they're visitation, they told us their names. well the next day we decided to go back up there to look around. well we got to lookin around and found the two headstones the people were sittin by. i looked at it and it said their names on it. and it said they had died two months ago. we were horrified, we ran down the mountain and ran into the two people we saw the day before.

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:48
Who's in the attick? by karly
Man!!! this is a true story this happened to ma dear friends couzin emily. well on fucking day she was so fucking bored so her mom took her to her aunts house ms Vaily just 4 vacations. so supposily ms. vailys son had died or drown in the lake a block away her house. but his body was never found. so wen emily got dere she was scary cuz at nigh she could hear some one cryingup in the attick like if they were diying or shxt like one day her aunt wasnt home so emily whwent up stairs to the attick even if her aunt told her not to get close to it.but she aint listin .she ran up and tried to openthe door but it was locked so she pushed it until she got it open. whe she saw a boy about 13 years old. he was ugly as hell he had wierd diformations evawhere he was chewing his hand almost triying to eat it. emily ran downstairs to the door to get ou but the boy jumped on her n bite her evawhere. wen suddenly her aunt came she kicked the boy to the floor and she said ruben!! leave your cousin alone!!. emily dint understand. then her aunt told her now 4 u young lady i will tell your parents that u died in a accident in the river and that we neva found ya body dis is wat ya get 4 being a curios girl and findig ya couzin. but at the end the police found her in her aunts attick and they took her to the hospital. thats how i know its true. it seems that u cant even trust ya own family!!

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:49
Haunted School Or Not? by sophie
I am now 13. i was 10 when this happend. i whent to a school called gyrossyd school everyone one said it was haunted. one day me and my friend was going to get sumpthing for the teacher as we was walking past we seen a littel door it was really dark i deard my friend to go in there she did. she came out screaming. she was shouting red eyes red eyes. i said what red eyes she fainted. nexed day i whent 2 see her in hospital she couldnt remember enything. a few weeks after we walked passed the same door . she gust stood ther we heard a really big BANG, she fell she go back up and said she could remember everything wee loooked in side the door then the door slames shut. then a hospital bed came fliying down the steps then we head a ambalence going past. 2 days after the head teacher was found dead in the littel door we looked in with a neadel in him was it a school or a hospital?

chocolate.boy 2010/04/18 19:50
Marys house by harley
ok its not the scariest story here but here goes. my cousin william lived in a house the was claimed to have been the murder place of over 13 people. ok there was a mother of 11-12 and her husband was in the army. about 4 of the kids had died of tyfoi(ti-foy) i think 1 died from falling down the staires, and the rest drowned in the creek or was murdered in a massacre from the war. there was a man that mary (the mother) was having an affair with after all her children died and he was later put to death in all chains because he murdered his wifes (mary & another person) marys husband came home to an empty house and dropped to his knees when he saw 12 caaskets in the family room. my cousin could see the people and later in the year me and 2 of my cousins (one that lived in the house) crossed the creek and on the other side of the corn feild and we found an ancient burial ground and we kinda got scared so we went back and i remember running after thinking i heard "leave my kids alone!!" all of my facts are researched from my cousin and so i can tell you im not lying. after researching we also found that what i heard was real. but instead of it being the was the father.

The day I saw my died friend by me me my oh my
One day me and my sister were playing in her room and my mom was cooking down stairs. My sister told me to go get her the soap I asked why she said she wanted to wash her face I asked her why she wanted to bring in the soap in the room because we didnt have any water in her room she said she could make water with her magic friend Ammy I had no clue what she was talking about she had never ever even had an imaginairy friend before plus my best friend Ammy had died a few days ago so it sort of made me think then all the sudden my sister sceams shes here shes here I look at my sister and right beside her was Ammy I got so scared I ran down stairs my sister had folowed behind me but when I looked back Ammy wasnt with her than my mom called us for dinner and I never saw Ammy again!

Laketempest 2010/04/18 20:56
Included here are some more ghost stories which are real things that occured with real people in reality:


EllaiZa 2010/04/19 03:05
interesting ch0co... In the real w0rld I heared l0ts of st0ries ab0ut gh0st m0stly happened in a big old buildings such as h0spitals and I can relate 1 that happened in the University where I t0ok up my bachel0r degree.. The story was narrated by the security guard in the campus on night shift while he went to the engineering building to check the light of every r0om, in 1 of the r0om when he was ab0ut to switch on the light he saw a girl student crying standing facing the chalkb0ard al0ne, the guard called out the student to go h0me since its already evening.. The student didnt turn her back to the guard but went out fr0m the r0om silently Later the guard n0ticed that the student didnt wear sh0es and wear the old type unif0rm where it n0 l0nger used at the present.. The guard then went out hurriedly fr0m the r0om and check where the student is heading but c0uldnt find anym0re n0r see the said student. Later after that incidents our old pr0fess0r t0ld us that there was a student who g0t raped in the said building l0ng l0ng time ago, and she believes that its the girl spirit who is r0aming ar0und in the said building.
integrity-daolyboy 2010/04/26 05:27
I tink they r true story /smiley
Barbiecute 2010/05/23 11:57
I had some tym to read all stories thn i will tell u its truth nd scare
Sandra88 2010/05/28 06:33


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