Whenever I Feel Tempted...UGH! by TheMouse 2010/04/18 01:04
Letting go of smoking after a few decades isn't always easy, and sometimes I get very tempted to give in to the nicotine addiction by resuming smoking. But whenever the temptation gets too strong, I've got something to look at which, up to now, has always got rid of the urge...

Govind.N 2010/04/21 03:05
Too bad
Pag 2010/07/30 09:59
Just pray to God.
Rita 2010/07/31 06:04
KenMane 2010/12/01 12:36
Mice should follow there friends example
Soul.papa 2010/12/02 14:29
I'm having a simillar situation but i dnt knw how to abstain 4rm it/smiley
shakti 2011/05/27 07:02
Good that you stopped smoking
Manal 2011/08/22 11:38
Quote: Twix: Yes, u ve done the great job mr. Mouse..
good one

princ3z 2011/11/12 10:51
Manal 2012/10/16 02:53
dont smoke..............
detrimentum 2014/10/15 10:33
Yeah, the nasty lung pics makes me smoke more. Whenever someone says something about me smoking I end up smoking . I'll stop when I'm good and ready.
Smarty 2016/09/12 07:51
Oh those people.
Replies: 31

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