Myths About Smoking by TheMouse 2010/04/14 03:43
SMOKERS DIE OF LUNG CANCER ... Wrong. Most of those who die of smoking don't live long enough to die of lung cancer. Usually, death occurs through brain strokes or heart strokes. At the time of death, many of those diseased have developed the early stage of lung cancer but would have needed another six months to die of it. THERE ARE MANY THINGS AVAILABLE NOW TO HELP QUIT SMOKING, LIKE PATCHES ECT. Wrong. Nicotine patches, chewing gums ect are on the market because they make money. They don't help; quitting smoking starts with depletion of nicotine, best done at 'cold turkey' method within 72 hours. Peak of withdrawal symptoms has occurred during that time, the cell disorder of lungs start to reverse towards 'going back to normal' after that time, and withdrawal distress should completely subside after two weeks. Wearing patches ect however will usually keep the withdrawal stage going until the distressed smoker reverts back to smoking as before.

Sunrex 2010/04/16 13:58
I hope they will learn from this
Blaz 2010/04/16 16:36
I smoke 15 cigarettes daily, i thinks that not too much. /smiley
Fonz 2010/04/16 22:20
Smokers would certainly not live to say napoleon bonaparte of the french
TheMouse 2010/04/17 00:04
Quote: AbhisheK: I smoke 15 cigarettes daily, i thinks that not too much. /smiley
Ok. I smoked about 15 daily for 30 years, and now, with my breath and blood circulation deteriorating, every single one is too much. U are obviously not getting the point at all.

laks 2010/04/17 06:10
i hope all smokers will quit smoking
Govind.N 2010/04/21 03:16
Nicotin i only know that
romeo1178 2010/04/26 19:08
Smoke is nt gud
gold4me_y23 2010/09/26 16:49
Quote: TheMouse: SMOKING IS A BAD HABIT. ... Wrong. Smoking is a drug addiction. ... CUTTING DOWN ON CIGARETTES (SMOKING LESS) HELPS TO LIVE HEALTHIER. ... Wrong. Cutting down triggers craving for nicotine because the usual level of nicotine is below the usual mark. The smoker will endure the stress for a short while and then continue smoking at the usual level. A health benefit from cutting down is impossible. ... THE FIRST CIGARETTE IN THE MORNING CLEARS THE THROAT. ... Wrong. The first cigarette in the morning smokes out the mucus which has built up in the windpipe above the lungs. The build up of the mucus is, however, due to the smoking itself.
great!!thats good.

Spektralflamez 2010/10/02 13:13
shakti 2011/06/03 20:44
Good Information Mouse
Manal 2011/08/22 21:35
Say no to cigarettes
GhAyAl 2012/01/10 16:47
Jai ho smokinnng
yasmine 2012/01/10 20:57
thanks 4 de info on smokin
Rams 2012/01/12 13:55
I dnt Smoke/smiley
Male1974 2012/01/29 19:32
this is some very good info,hope people are reading this.
KingFISHER 2012/02/01 08:36
really smoking is a very bad habit which spend alotz money nd brotght alotz of diseases.
InternetLord 2013/07/05 17:28
smokers are liable to die young.
Aita 2013/07/10 18:25
Great topic Mouse /smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 15:54
info good....
Replies: 39

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