Create Your Website in just 10mins. by trick 2010/04/12 13:58
Create your own professional look website.
Choose from the most popular CMS and build it in minutes!

~ . > . O . user manager > click "admin"
> edit:
- New password (your own password)
- Verify passsword (your own password)

then click "SAVE"

~ . > . O .

_ARviN_ 2010/07/27 04:19
I knew it.
Robin 2010/08/13 02:35
There r everyone know that /smiley
Robin 2010/08/16 15:23
/smiley no need
Yungboss 2010/08/18 10:17
Thanx anyway
Vishal456 2010/09/06 14:01
Vishal456 2010/09/06 14:02
Nice information bro thanks
Luvcastle2 2010/09/07 04:41
Well i dnt nid ds kind
EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/08 14:16
/smiley :-D
Quote: _-dreamprince-_: I know but 2 of my sites failed /smiley

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/08 14:16
Yeah and he doesnt know
Quote: allexclusive: /smiley forgot to mention host!

EpIcInCoGnItO 2010/09/08 14:17
Not working
Eleto 2010/09/09 21:33
Okay.thanx 4 da info
Afolayan 2010/09/10 04:38
Yeah thanks
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:42
Quote: trick: posting Error.
Visit & learn @ /smiley
0k ..

_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:43
It is w0rking 0r n0t
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:44
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:45
This wap side many tricks?
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:45
I will try..
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/15 06:49
This wap side n0t w0rking
endur 2010/09/18 19:42
Keep it up..Das good of u
MRFLOOOOOOOOD 2012/11/20 20:38
Quote: trick: Create your own professional look website.
Choose from the most popular CMS and build it in minutes!

~ . > . O . user manager > click "admin"
> edit:
- New password (your own password)
- Verify passsword (your own password)

then click "SAVE"

~ . > . O .

Replies: 40

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