Create Your Website in just 10mins. by trick 2010/04/12 13:58
Create your own professional look website.
Choose from the most popular CMS and build it in minutes!

~ . > . O . user manager > click "admin"
> edit:
- New password (your own password)
- Verify passsword (your own password)

then click "SAVE"

~ . > . O .

trick 2010/04/12 14:01
Posting Error.
Visit & learn @ /smiley

TaLkInG-PEN 2010/04/12 17:52
Kip it up.
_dreamprince_ 2010/04/12 19:36
I know but 2 of my sites failed /smiley
agbemafleaugustine 2010/04/13 22:10
I cant follow it again cos it fails me normally/smiley
Luvcastle2 2010/04/16 05:49
waoh! wt am i waitin 4?
allexclusive 2010/04/16 18:53
/smiley forgot to mention host!
integrity-daolyboy 2010/04/17 11:39
9ic /smiley
Aamee 2010/04/19 07:31
I dont
Jamotech 2010/04/22 04:35
An error has occur to that.
Topcat1 2010/06/26 18:22
Thnkx !
Luikang 2010/07/10 19:57
give us more
Alasadot 2010/07/10 23:23
Pls kan u help me 2 cr8 my own
_KJOE_ 2010/07/11 07:14
It can be so
integrity-daolyboy 2010/07/11 13:53
naveen_nrq 2010/07/12 12:35
Check out My Website

Raphael_DEmedion 2010/07/14 11:25
Yugi 2010/07/15 18:29
Elfuego 2010/07/15 23:11
I knw abt d site. I gat an error msg
integrity-daolyboy 2010/07/17 12:28
I ave read it b4
VijaY 2010/07/27 02:19
I want 2 know more about site building..So i'll try dis now....
Replies: 40

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