....God has not created them without purpose.... by LoneLy_heArt 2010/03/10 16:36
Why should we preserve wild life and conserve forests?
To feed the growing population and to provide them shelter we need more land for agriculture, housing and industustries. Moreover the wild beasts and birds destroy our crops. The wild beasts also pose a threat to our domestic animals and livestock. Sometimes even they pose a threat to human bings also. Why then should we spend our money and resources in protecting lions , tiges , elephants, crocodiles, cranes,swans , snakes and musk deer?
We have to protect them as they are an integral part of nature and no other animal or bird affects nature expect man. The wild birds, animals,insects and reptiles help to maintain a balance in nature. They help in the conservation of environment. God has not created them without purpose. Man himself if IS also an animal. He is more rational,intelligent and social than other but basically he is a beast. So our kinship with other animals is a long affair. So the extinction of some species of animal is sure to affect ecology & quality of our life Negatively. We depend on trees and animals and birds for food, clOth, hOuse materials, medicines and decorative items . They are important 4 our survival. So many animals find their place in our art, culture, religion, literature and mythology.

Boet 2010/03/25 10:56
It all boils down to the greed of humankind. The insatiable lust to destruct and reshape all and every creation, with no regard to the consequences.
Eleto 2010/03/26 07:24
But mind ur bu*sines.
Happy_boy 2010/03/27 00:48
U r right bro and good description
Happy_boy 2010/03/27 00:50
Everything are created with some reasons . Good topic
Luvcastle2 2010/03/27 11:02
Subham2010 2010/03/30 06:15
Subham2010 2010/03/30 06:19
Well explained! :/i
InternetLord 2010/04/07 15:59
whe waste them -ninja-
LoneLy_heArt 2010/04/22 10:52
Quote: Happy1: Everything are created with some reasons . Good topic
yes you are right/smiley

Jamotech 2010/04/22 23:38
Quote: TreQuaRtisTa: Understood,loud n clear/smiley
good1 for.

Riddle 2010/04/23 21:10
A standing ovation for that.
@Moon_boy@ 2010/04/24 20:03
Beautiful topics and great
Doubl-D 2010/04/24 23:25
/smiley /smiley
ThunderStorm 2010/04/27 07:22
God created everything with purpose
Shush14 2010/05/01 01:09
Nice topic subu bro..
Shush14 2010/05/01 01:10
And a nice pics. Thanx for the pics you attached here.
Boet 2010/05/01 01:43
Absolutely so, very good topic. And yes, we need to keep mouse around too. Who else will one day bring my grandchild a nickel for a tooth?
Jamotech 2010/05/01 17:57
Understand without no stress
Lee-Mari 2010/05/02 10:13
Im a nature lover also.
Bzino 2010/05/04 15:36
Mr mouse...plz don't eat my cheeze cos am going to put mouse trap ever where in 2wap to secure its state..nice comment..
Replies: 53

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