> New Love Poems Collection!! by ROCKY13 2010/03/01 13:29
> New Love Poems Collection!!

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 09:59

How blessed I am that you are in my life
Not a day goes by when I do not think of you
You make everything alright
To you I do not have to prove myself
For you know me
I love you

How blessed I am that you are in my life
How honoured I am to be a part of yours
Memories made and shared
With you the one I love
My friend, my lover, my queen
'Til the end

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 09:59
It's perfect, and touches me deep
First thing in the morning, when I hear you speak
And last thing at night as you bid me sweet dreams
The brush of your lips lets me know what you mean

And all of the hours that pass through the day
Those spent together and when you're away
I think of you always, imagine your touch
Think how to show you, I love you so much

So when we're apart, and you long for me near
Just try to remember, you're already here
For deep in my heart, where no one can see
You'll be forever, together we'll be

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 09:59
Saying I Do

Saying I do
Is more than saying I love you
It goes beyond describing how my love is true
Because words are not enough to express my love for you.

Saying I do
Is like saying I am here for you
That I am ready to see what the future may bring
Because we are together in everything.

Saying I do
Is saying I am now complete because of you
That the pieces of the puzzle called "my life"
Becomes a beautiful picture called "our love".

And now I am saying "I DO"
As I walk down the aisle with you
This is a lifetime promise that I will hold
A promise I make until we grow old.

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:00


How long can you keep up that face?
How many times tonight will your lips unfurl to a smile?
How can you work in this place concealing such grace?
How would you like to leave with me... and see the world for a while?

Hang up your apron and baggy jeans for this little number,
Come dance with me through the night until morning light,
Laughing and singing through streets wrapt in slumber,
Your soft ebony eyes reflecting an Italian moon, so magnificently bright.

Let me take your hand, oh this night we set sail,
On a thrilling journey to a remote place called love,
Making memories and writing our own midnight tale,
A side by side silhouette, diamond-set dark velvet above.

Without even trying, you emit beauty, passion and elegance,
From your slender model figure to your lush flowing hair,
Dancing in the wind, my heart shocked by your electric radiance,
The breath-taking waitress, mi manchi tanto Maria.

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:00
Missing Treasure

The missing treasure of this sinking vessel
On the seafloor, where it would nestle
Against the base for years it'd lay
Patiently waiting for that special day
When I would come to claim my prize
Hoping the chest to my surprise
Would hold the heart that I've been missing
The talks, the laughs, the hugs, the kissing
That day has come and now I'll find
What lies ahead, no longer behind
I've searched through darkness, to the deepest sea
And found that chest staring back at me
What lies inside, I do not know
Unlock the latch and open slow
I peek within, with nerves I'm shaking
The prize inside could stop the aching
Cause within the chest that I've searched for
I found the heart and even more
The talks, the laughs, they all were there
The hugs, the kisses, for me to share
The most beautiful treasure I've finally seized
Did not imagine I could be so pleased
I searched so long through the deep sea blue
I love you baby, my prize is you

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:00
Thank You

The sun sets
Upon the golden sand
We sit together
Hand in hand

We gently embrace
And look into each other's eyes
I wonder if you are
An angel in disguise

You hold me
Like there's no tomorrow
I suddenly forget
The past sorrow

I kiss your soft lips
And you kiss mine
I never knew
Loving someone could be this fine

You pick me up
And carry me to our room
Oh how a love can blossom
And a heart can bloom.

Your touch is so gentle
But your hands so strong
How could a love like this
Ever go wrong?

My heart is beating
200 times a minute
Because my love
You are in it

The sound of your heartbeat
All through the night
We fall asleep in each other's arms
And wake to the morning light.

I look into your eyes
And this is when
I say "Thank You"
For teaching me to love again.

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:01
Once I was a beautiful shell
Giving life to the creatures of the sea
Tides and time pounded on me, breaking me bit by bit

Then I was stuck nowhere to go...
The barnacles found a place to dwell
But Mother Ocean gave me a second chance

The tides washed me upon the shore
There I lay waiting in the sun, dull and chipped and ugly
Then, you came along and found me

The barnacles were picked, the sand washed off
You polished me up and brought out my luster...
I'm still chipped with imperfections
But you laid me out for everyone to see...
The beautiful colors inside me

Now I'm shiny with colors and gold
The tides have yet to see me grow old
With the tenderness and care you gave me
I am once again a beautiful shell

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:01
Courting Cambria

Autumn eyes stare out at me,
Silky locks of burnished brown,
Poise, elegance and aristocracy,
Statuesque, splendor, and magnificence,
All words pale,
All words fail,
To bind the beautiful Cambria

Beauty be not lonely,
Virtue is her friend,
Gentle, sweet, with wits abound,
Her voice so sweet, has songbird sound,
Yet the Lexicon pales,
The language fails,
To bespeak beguiling Cambria.

I'd cross not mountains for her,
I'd move them one by one.
I'd walk not burning sands,
Instead I'd seed her lands.
Her world would fill with statues,
And gardens at her feet.
These things I say would happen,
Each time we came to meet.

She makes a man become a man,
Makes him strive for more.
She makes him wish for worthiness,
Remake his very core.
Thus I pay my homage,
Poetic tribute not mere prose.
I give to her this piece of me,
And not some dying rose.

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:01

Like A Rose

My love for you is like a red, red rose,
It started as a seed but it’s grown and grown.
Its roots reach deep down inside of my chest,
And it grows even more with each passing breath.
The delicate petals lay beautiful and pure,
All the doubts that I’ve had you have since cured.
For all the thorns that this proud rose bears,
They are all softened by the thought of your care.
Soon the rose grows old and withers and dies,
But the love that helped grow it will last for all time.

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:02
My love, my heart, my soul is my gift to you
Your smile, your love is the only reward I would want

Precious, like a gem made by angels to shine forever
Releasing the passion inside me that burns for you
Intertwining our destinies, so that we two soul mates
Now and forever, can live out our hopes and dreams
Creating our own bond of life, to overcome the challenges
Explore the mysteries, and to enjoy life as it should be
Sharing the peace and love, that everyone looks for
So in the end I want nothing, because I have everything I need

ROCKY13 2010/03/05 10:02
Near You

'Neath velvet cloth of night and shadows,
my heart confessed its thoughts to the wind.
I could feel your smile from a distance
with the touch of your closeness profound.

The sun reached behind a fading sky,
so the moon could take its proper place.
Day to darkness, brightened by the stars,
leaving upon the blue waters
a shimmering portrait of your face.

You, with all your savoring sweetness,
tenderly pierced the walls of my soul
as you wove a new tapestry with
the golden threads of your hope and love.

Yesterday you offered me courage,
today you endowed me with your strength.
Every moment together, a gift.
Every day a celebration of life.

How lovely the music of your heart.
You are the air I breathe, sound I hear
and the spirit that gently moves me.
I don't wish for the moon, I have the stars.

Wilkinson 2010/03/06 17:05
My love if i say i love u is as if i dont meant it no word is enough for me to express my irresistable love for you, my love u mean the world to me my endless love nothing can stop our love many waters cant stop our love not even flood
Sweet13 2010/03/06 17:18
Love is lyk ocean of lots of care,true felings, trust, honesty..n all...lots of love n its memory..
N my heart float in ur love ocean....
Today n forever..im wd u,my love!!

Wilkinson 2010/03/07 12:37
I love you. My love for u cannot be measured ,no scientist has discovered how much i love u,looking into your eyes is like looking into paradise.ur kiss is tender on my lips hav losed my heart somewhere in ur eye
RoseGirl 2010/03/07 13:22
what a lovly collection !!!!
Lilyayo 2010/03/07 16:30
At the mere touch of love even the heart of a lion becomes as soft as a petal. So i'm giving my love to u my love from the cascade of my heart
_KJOE_ 2010/03/29 09:45
So many poem bt nothing 2 say
himyk 2010/03/31 16:06
if u love somebody just walk up 2 her and tell her
Tony-rizzy 2010/04/05 10:06
Dis is more interesting pls do send dis to my inbox
_NaVI_GiLL_ 2010/04/14 23:06
I dnt like poem
Replies: 243

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