Wat do u do to relieve urslf by
Knny 2010/01/29 20:58
What do u do to relieve urslf whn u ar angry or sad, personaly i listen to music, wat about u
Jyk 2010/12/17 13:35
I sleep.
-Annie- 2010/12/17 14:32
i listen a music and eat chocolate or icecream
RulerGp 2010/12/18 00:49
I tink about d good times of life.
jean11 2010/12/20 11:54
when sad, I go in the bed.
Chris_lee 2010/12/23 03:42
i do things that i do not recommend i smoke and some times drink i recommend take a walk walk it off
d-profit 2010/12/27 20:04
Wen ever i am angry or sad i jst start readin d bible and play sme worship song as a christain cos there joy in it.
ayen 2010/12/31 13:21
Whenever i got mad. I just need to throw s0mething then shout to express my angriness. That is why i got a thyr0id.
Psychedelic 2011/06/09 14:25
Ill write, pray, yell at anybody, sleep, many options actually.
Vayne 2011/06/09 17:56
I gym
Tlight 2011/07/04 16:12
Or t.v game is da way out.
ACIDized 2011/07/04 18:10
I drink a lot/:
P.girl 2011/07/08 15:37
Chart or sleep
Saintless 2011/07/09 07:00
I insult people. That's what I do.
Manal 2011/08/29 06:24
Just open my netbook and stay on chat
Manal 2012/10/11 21:53
wasting my time on the internet
detrimentum 2014/10/15 07:07
I clean while listening to music. Or I just cry till I can't anymore, that works best.
ladyme 2014/10/17 18:02
When I'm sad I listen to music. When mad i watch comedy,read the papers or just go sit alone and quiet for sometime.
Replies: 43
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