Wat do u do to relieve urslf by Knny2010/01/29 20:58 What do u do to relieve urslf whn u ar angry or sad, personaly i listen to music, wat about u
Knny2010/01/30 01:53 I play music to relieve my slf whnevr am angry or sad and it makes me fil beta
Laketempest2010/01/30 02:07 I would either listen music, meditate or sleep
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd-2010/01/30 02:11 Hmmmzzz I cant tell ya what I do to relive myself!
EllaiZa2010/01/30 02:35 I'l just listen to the music or relax my self.
-linda-2010/01/30 04:15 Me, say all out to my mom, listen to music & sleep
Saintless2010/01/30 04:24 Basically when I'm mad, I really don't know how to calm down. Perhaps I'd just punch the wall or kick everything that catches my sight? If I'm sad I'll just cry, it really helps.
yeshwa2010/01/30 10:09 I sing out l0ud and cry...That's h0w i relieve my anger.
Misshope2010/01/30 12:13 Eaazee...Vodka iz da best solution : )
RoseGirl2010/01/30 14:05 Throw a tantrum -tantrum-
ShAhZaDa2010/01/30 14:34 Just listen soothing song. .
NinthElement2010/02/19 17:51 Just brood on it for a while then try and do something to make it better.
Violets2010/02/19 21:00 I just sit in my room and moan. It helps.
TheMouse2010/02/20 02:08 I go out, have kinky sex with strangers, take drugs and get drunk, pick a fight somewhere, go shopping, go home, eat a snack, and watch TV.
Quote: TheMouse: I go out, have kinky sex with strangers, take drugs and get drunk, pick a fight somewhere, go shopping, go home, eat a snack, and watch TV.
Damn insane Mouse! Gotta love ya bro
ANGEL_OF_DREAMZ2010/03/12 22:27 I guess i take a walk, and uhm listen to and play music, as alot of the music i like is kinda angry music, so its fitting in with letting anger out and diffused. . . Can't say i get mad though, i'm very laid back and a peaceful entity really