Quote: Lil_Mel16: heQ friend d0 Q0u need Q00Qle search 0n Q0ur ph0ne(q),zust use diz www.mtnonline.com in Q0ur address,it wil 0pen mtn 0fficial h0mepaQe,rQt there Q0u can Qet news ab0ut mtn bQ visitinQ anQ link there,n0w Q0 and scr0ll d0wn t0 the b0tt0m t0 Qet Q00Qle search,cliQ 0n back t0 Q00Qle h0me t0 Qet back t0 Q00Qle's h0mepaQe,n0w bkmark it f0r further use,remember it w0rks wit the red butt0n functi0n but d0nt damaQe it.0,enj0Q.........beta stil use diz t00 www.Q00Qle.com/m?hl=en&oe=UTF-8&output=wml&source=wax thats all..........,
Splanco2010/07/15 19:30 If anyone need d latest MTN cheat.shud PM me
C3RIOUZ2010/07/15 21:51 No need for pm take diz free of charge from C3RIOUZ to YOU
Authentic2010/07/16 05:27 I got dis yesterday and havn't tested it yet. For etisalat ip==>
make sure u av 1 or 2 naira credit b/4 u start browsing and do not exit until u r done browsing. Someone shuld try dis
Quote: C3RIOUZ: No need for pm take diz free of charge from C3RIOUZ to YOU
Authentic2010/07/16 05:31 Test dis eti cheat with red button.
Quote: C3RIOUZ: No need for pm take diz free of charge from C3RIOUZ to YOU %000@ proxy.cgi/kda/http/ server4.operamini.com:80
Quote: princecharles: How many yrs are gona use red buton.
i d0nt kn0......
Afolabijan42010/07/16 17:57 Pls l nid red boton cheat.Som1 hlp.
Authentic2010/07/17 02:16 There is still hope. Da latest @ babadinho yesterday (i haven't tried dem yet) 4 homepg==>mtnpulse.mtnonline.com@ any site
for solibay wap.mtnpulse.mtnonline.com%2fa%3a@woodj.net/proxy/cgi/proxy/nph-proxy.pl/byko/http/
turn off ur images at day time and on at night time
They both work with Red Button. Enjoy
Authentic2010/07/17 02:20 Enjoy dis eti ip==>
Quote: Authentic: There is still hope. Da latest @ babadinho yesterday (i haven't tried dem yet) 4 homepg==>mtnpulse.mtnonline.com@ any site for solibay wap.mtnpulse.mtnonline.com%2fa%3a@woodj.net/proxy/cgi/proxy/nph-proxy.pl/byko/http/ turn off ur images at day time and on at night time They both work with Red Button. Enjoy