Lastest 2010 free browsing cheats,tricks. by tonyiyke 2010/01/26 11:08
Here you will get the lastest free working proxies or ips and more.

Elfuego 2010/02/14 10:25
Try @all
Yhemmy 2010/02/14 11:06
plz i need etisalat web browsing cheat 4 china fone@all


Ibro92 2010/02/14 14:25
I love this tread
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/02/14 15:44
keep up dude like people oe the old
Okeokoro 2010/02/14 16:49
Free mtn port 80
rock_chaser 2010/02/14 17:10
Hay its very very good job
rock_chaser 2010/02/14 17:19
Keep it up
tonyiyke 2010/02/14 17:25
Thanks for your commendation so far ok.
More cheats will be update as soon as tomorrow springs up by his grace.

rock_chaser 2010/02/14 17:25
I am not getting how to set it in my phone given below
rock_chaser 2010/02/14 17:29
Toniyke ply tell me how to do tricks in my SGH L700
Samugana 2010/02/14 18:18
I need mtn cheat witout prov pls
tonyiyke 2010/02/14 19:01
Quote: rock_chaser: Toniyke ply tell me how to do tricks in my SGH L700

plz explain better to me so that your request will be delibrated.

tonyiyke 2010/02/14 19:04
Quote: Samugana: I need mtn cheat witout prov pls

Try out these
Use all with port 80 and normal mtn homepage.

tonyiyke 2010/02/14 19:20
Quote: rock_chaser: I am not getting how to set it in my phone given below

Is it where to put the free browsing tricks in you samsung?
If that is so follow these procedures:
*first locate where the phone browser is in your phone;
*after you must have gotten it,edit one of the settings in it;
*where homepage is
*where proxy address or ip is put any of those tricks in this thread in it;
*where port number is,put 80;
*Then save the settings and set it as default settings by activating it.
Wherever you see homepage in your phone,select it to surf the internet.
CAUTION:Bookmark will not open door for u to surf the net.

tonyiyke 2010/02/14 19:23
Just be posting your problems ok so that i will see how to support u.
tonyiyke 2010/02/14 19:25
For those i did asked questions feel free to reply me either through this thread or Pm.
tonyiyke 2010/02/15 06:34
All with port 80 & normal homepage.

tonyiyke 2010/02/15 06:37
All with port 80.

Rhiwi 2010/02/15 06:40
Gudmorning everybody.
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/02/15 09:54
Quote: tonyiyke: Ask any question on this thread relating to phone browsing,a situable answers will given ok
helo guy whatz up do me a favour and favour plz i need ucweb cheat with mtn

Replies: 2514

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