Quote: oaadebayo: pls is there any number ip that access facebook?
yes get it by checking back previous pages
godsent012010/03/18 09:22 Oaadebayo, dont av any numba ip 4 facebook. But dis ip: layyit.com rocks well wit facebook. HP: www.mtnonline.com. Good luck.
godsent012010/03/18 10:15 Guys use dis HP: www.mtnonline.com. & try dis ips: layyit.com , dataself.net , cantblock.me , howtounblock.me , socialvpn.com , getmepast.com , cloaking.me . They all rock wit mte. Have a nice day.
Quote: godsent01: Oaadebayo, dont av any numba ip 4 facebook. But dis ip: layyit.com rocks well wit facebook. HP: www.mtnonline.com. Good luck.
Thanks my real friend for contributing in order to see that this thread is moving.
tonyiyke2010/03/18 13:18 Try this for opera4.2
Use cheat as:
tonyiyke2010/03/18 13:24 For zain try this for opera4.2
ip :
tonyiyke2010/03/18 13:29 For those that do not know how to create prov.file i have shown example or steps to do tha at
Please forgive for the spamming but i do hope it will benefit you.
Authentic2010/03/18 16:33 GOOOOD EVENIN TO ALL IN DA HOUSE...
Keffy2010/03/18 17:28 Use 97unblocknow.info nd gingerproxy.com
godsent012010/03/19 20:20 Bayo, i av convated d ip: layyit.com to numba ip: 98.131.194 , ips: socialvpn.com & howtounblock.me can open facebook. Use d same home page. By 2moro i wil convat dem 2 numba ip & send dem 2 u. De only rock wit mtn. Nit.
brill2010/03/19 20:26 i need numeric ip hmpg & apn plz