~Wats the truth!! by touch_the_heart 2010/01/25 06:51
"It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead – I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand the difference between invention and discovery? A discovery is about truth, an invention is manufactured by you. It is man-manufactured fiction.Certainly it has given consolation, but consolation is not the right thing! Consolation is opium. It keeps you unaware of the reality, and life is flowing past you so quickly – seventy years will be gone soon.Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth.The very desire to find the truth disappears. But in the beginning it is bitter if all your belief systems are taken away from you. The fear and anxiety which you have been suppressing for millennia, which is there, very alive, will surface immediately. No God can destroy it, only the search for truth and the experience of truth – not a belief – is capable of healing all your wounds, of making you a whole being. And the whole person is the holy person to me." - 'OSHO'

Roshan 2010/02/03 04:56
Quote: DotmonKing: on the contrary, i dont get hurt with peoples faith thats why u'l always see that i always talk abt my own religion. But for you is the contrary. Islam makes many of u restless here.
haha., why you showing your restless in this topic.. /smiley

DotmonKing 2010/02/03 05:14
Quote: Roshan: haha., why you showing your restless in this topic.. /smiley

my brother, i always reason before making posts. Who has the most posts in this topic? Of course if u go count ur posts, u'l see you're clearly restless.

DotmonKing 2010/02/03 05:15
Quote: Roshan: your guess is poor.. /smiley
that wasnt a guess, its a question. Tel us ur faith

Roshan 2010/02/03 09:42
Quote: DotmonKing:
my brother, i always reason before making posts. Who has the most posts in this topic? Of course if u go count ur posts, u'l see you're clearly restless.
@ROSHAN, Forum Post = 206
@Dotmonking, Forum Post = 2251

Roshan 2010/02/03 09:44
Quote: DotmonKing:
my brother, i always reason before making posts. Who has the most posts in this topic? Of course if u go count ur posts, u'l see you're clearly restless.
@ROSHAN, Forum Post = 206
@Dotmonking, ForumPost = 2251

Roshan 2010/02/03 09:51
Quote: DotmonKing: that wasnt a guess, its a question. Tel us ur faith
Hahaha.. you have guessed after your question, read your post again /smiley
IM A HINDU.../smiley

DotmonKing 2010/02/03 20:07
Quote: Roshan: @ROSHAN, Forum Post = 206
@Dotmonking, Forum Post = 2251
oh so you dont know the meaning of topic? Hahaha bro, plz go learn

DotmonKing 2010/02/03 20:12
Quote: Roshan: Hahaha.. you have guessed after your question, read your post again /smiley
IM A HINDU.../smiley
i'm happy for you

Roshan 2010/02/04 04:29
Quote: DotmonKing: i'm happy for you
thanku... /smiley

Roshan 2010/02/04 04:31
Quote: DotmonKing: oh so you dont know the meaning of topic? Hahaha bro, plz go learn
hahaha..., Lol, does no of posting make one restless???
nah..! It is the massage of post which prove who is RESTLESS.. hahaha... /smiley

DotmonKing 2010/02/04 18:11
Quote: Roshan: hahaha..., Lol, does no of posting make one restless???
nah..! It is the massage of post which prove who is RESTLESS.. hahaha... /smiley
you need to start attending english classes

Roshan 2010/02/04 18:56
Quote: DotmonKing: you need to start attending english classes
thanku, for your advice/smiley
i knw, now you are getting frustrations /smiley

DotmonKing 2010/02/05 01:08
Quote: Roshan: thanku, for your advice/smiley
i knw, now you are getting frustrations /smiley
yea its frustrating when someone cnt understand simple english.

StoRmLeSs 2010/02/05 01:55
' Minors and mislead d0esn't understands God, but this makes nor impair neither strong to the God allmighty, they push themself further near to the hell,s fires, and they will be constant burn there'
brother thats the translati0n of a Quraanic verse, i humbly invite you to read Quraan and get into the light of truth. You will enjoy your life. At the end of my post i say 'I love you' and want my love tobe saved.

Roshan 2010/02/05 02:42
Quote: DotmonKing: yea its frustrating when someone cnt understand simple english.
nah -nana-
isn't a matter understanding simple english, we both understood each others quite thats why we replying /smiley
infact you are in total frustration /smiley

ZALAND 2010/02/05 05:21
Quote: touch_the_heart: "It was good of Friedrich Nietzsche to declare God dead – I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand the difference between invention and discovery? A discovery is about truth, an invention is manufactured by you. It is man-manufactured fiction.Certainly it has given consolation, but consolation is not the right thing! Consolation is opium. It keeps you unaware of the reality, and life is flowing past you so quickly – seventy years will be gone soon.Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth.The very desire to find the truth disappears. But in the beginning it is bitter if all your belief systems are taken away from you. The fear and anxiety which you have been suppressing for millennia, which is there, very alive, will surface immediately. No God can destroy it, only the search for truth and the experience of truth – not a belief – is capable of healing all your wounds, of making you a whole being. And the whole person is the holy person to me." - 'OSHO'

_Bl@sph3m3r_ 2010/02/05 17:41
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: The truth is there isnt any Allah or God....one day people will open there eyes.
i am totally agree with you bro..... There is no god or allah and there no heaven or hell... Its just our own creation.... And we can easily kill him by a whiff of science or a dose of commonsence....

Roshan 2010/02/06 04:18
Quote: Sirajkhan: OLD SHAITAN!
think better was than 7th century shaitan /smiley

Roshan 2010/02/06 04:23
Quote: Eddy33: [quote=Roshan] if its self defence! its the basic right of every human being, whether he is muslim christian or Hindu and Bouddh, every one has right of self defence,
its and offence than its terrorism, which is inhuman and against the freedom of speech and believe
was Bush's "offensive" in Gulf war not
call slandering ISLAM "freedom of speech"
but terrified when WE defend it.
is the ONE THING that brought on every war.
the people of related country and region can be judge the Bush than us 2wapper, whether Bush bringing them to freedom or to slavery, let them to judge the Bush.. /smiley

zakir 2011/09/02 12:17
Bogus thought of bogus person
Replies: 43

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