Does God? by STAIN 2010/01/24 04:44
Does God answers prayers conducted silent faster than the one conducted loudly? -pray- -pray- -pray-

itenawa 2011/02/13 12:44
Quote: -DeMoN_OvErLoRd-: raying is wishful thinking..nothing more..its a shallow hope...and if any of a prayer you think ever is answered is a coinsidence..nothing can pray to a Goat and it will give you the same effect......

dont loose your saliva, amusing gallery is a waste of time

kehindenoah 2012/10/16 17:44
It depends on how right you are with God.
opened85 2012/10/25 08:05
Quote: KiNg_SouL: It depends on your mind and faith

Agree u.../smiley

Replies: 23

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