Does God? by STAIN2010/01/24 04:44 Does God answers prayers conducted silent faster than the one conducted loudly? -pray- -pray- -pray-
STAIN2010/01/24 04:47 For me is not how you conducted it that matters but the motive of your your faith and your trust in God.
-DeMoN_OvErLoRd-2010/01/24 08:04 well simple, do a test.....pray for the sick to be healed, the blind to see, the cancers and aids to be cured etc etc...see what happens...NOTHING...pray to a turtle you'll get same results! Guaranteed!
lIVINg_fOSSIl2010/01/24 08:07 Just pray, dont crib onto how u gonna pray
divya2010/01/24 08:23 Doesn't depends on the sound or silent . . I think it depends on how good is the person who prays.
LUCIFAS_ANGEL2010/01/24 08:51 Just pray with solemnity and sincerity.
KiNg_SouL2010/01/24 09:23 It depends on your mind and faith
TheMouse2010/01/25 02:49 Answer? Why U want an answer? U pray to be grateful, and to devote yourself, not to get an answer. Unless it's petitional prayers U do, and that's foolishness.
Jo-Ann2010/01/25 03:59 It doesn't matter whether your prayer is loud or silent,God will stil hear u.In Matthew 21:22 says- And all things,whatsoever ye (you) shall ask in prayer,believing,ye (you) shall recieve.. James 5:15-16 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,and the Lord shall raise him up;and if he have committed sins,they shall be forgiven him. 16. Confess your faults one to another,and pray one (continue)
Jo-Ann2010/01/25 04:02 for another,that ye (you) may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Quote: Jo-Ann: for another,that ye (you) may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
raying is wishful thinking..nothing more..its a shallow hope...and if any of a prayer you think ever is answered is a coinsidence..nothing can pray to a Goat and it will give you the same effect......